
Do you think that we are seeing an increase in 'womb envy'?

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It seems to me that some men very much wish they had their own womb, so as to give them more power and control over their reproduction - but is this actually true? Do men have womb envy? :-)




  1. No, I don't have 'womb envy', and I don't see what gave you the impression that men wished they had wombs so they could get more power and control over reproduction.

    No, normal men do not have 'womb envy'. I believe in 'womb envy' as a general occurence as much as I believe in 'p***s envy' being an universal phenomenon.

  2. Wanting to have equal say when it come to the fate of their children isn't "womb envy" :-)

  3. No, but I think some men get enraged over the thought of women being absolutely in control of her own reproduction. It was one of the ways men kept women dependent and needy in most of human history. It's gone now, along with the historical control men had over women.

  4. My husband is really glad that he didn't have to go through what I did to give birth to our son. He couldn't believe I could actually do that without complaining.


  5. if there is "womb envy" there will have to be "p***s envy"

  6. let me think about it.........errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Nope!!

  7. Seeing that "womb envy" has no basis is psychoanalytical theory and is merely made up by you, I would say no. Not only is there not an increase, I highly doubt it even exists.

  8. It's not that we want a womb, its just that we want equal reproductive rights with women, instead of now where men have no rights and are totally at the whim of women in this area.  whim+womb= no rights for men.

  9. No, it's more like "reproductive rights" envy.

    When women have these rights and men do not... men tend to think that's not really fair.

    "Oh, but it's the woman's body."

    - "So that mean's it's her responsibility?"

    "No, because the man had s*x, too."

    - "Oh, so he gets some say then?"

    "No, because it's HER body."

    - "So that mean's it's her responsibility?"

    ...and 'round and 'round it goes.

    Women only want to claim responsibility for the situation when it benefits them.  As soon as they get to legally delegate responsibility...

    then suddenly the men are included.

    Pretty convenient.


    before you ladies freak out... I do not think men should be able to tell women what to do with their bodies.

    All I expect is that men are given the legal right to opt out of parenthood financially because of the fact that women can opt out of parenthood entirely.

  10. I suppose, if you want the womb to be symbolic of reproductive rights as Freud made the p***s a symbol of power (the supposedly masculine thing woman envied)

    Its interesting that you draw a comparison to the belief that woman are the sole possessors of reproductive rights as men are the sole possessors of power and authority

  11. Hi :-) why :-) are you :-) so :-) angry at :-) men. Not all :-) are mean :-) iam sure :-) you too :-) will :-) find one :-) who loves you :-) just :-) the :-) way :-) you are :-)

    And by the way I would say the :-) same to somebody who feel women suffer from p***s envy :-) (feminists do not all women).


  12. Speaking strictly for myself, I gotta say ... I know what the womb is for, and I know the size of it's fruit AND the size of its access point. No, I do NOT envy women the act of birthing.

    As for "power over reproduction" ... I suppose you may have a point. But theologically, progenesis is meant to be a complementary act. Trying to exert more power over reproduction tells more about our unhealthy (imbalanced?) and self-centered approach to marriage. Sad...

  13. i tend to think that when a man expresses the desire to force a woman to carry a child they don't want to term it's because they want control of the woman and not the baby.  i've seen it all too often.

  14. yes, considering how many want to put their two cents into matters of reproductive choice.

  15. I think you make a very false assumption that they wish to have wombs "to give them more power and control over their reproduction".  

    I think that those men who wish they could carry and birth a child wish to do so for the miraculous experience - not power and control.

    Not everything and everyone is about power and control...

  16. Well, I never believed in p***s envy in the first place, so no.  If they do, I'd consider it abnormal.

    Freud was a fraud.  That happens to opium addicts.  Maybe we should consider new applicants for the Father of Psychiatry.

    Edit to CStorm:  My error!  Father of Psychotherapy.  Who do you suppose its mother was?  I wonder what Freud would say about that question??

    Edit to Tracey:  How exactly is any woman "absolutely in control of her own reproduction"?  Doesn't she still need a man to get there?  Has it occurred to you that some men want to have a say in what happens to their own children?

    I say, 40 weeks rent is not a license to kill.

    That said, hopscotch, you also don't get a pass.  I am assuming we all know here how babies are made.  If you don't want the responsibility then avoid doing the only thing people can do to get pregnant!  I will agree that the argument is an endless rotation of idiocy, but that is because both arguments are groundless.  

    Nobody should kill children, both parents should be morally and financially responsible for them.

    We are not supposed to draw from this that life is unfair.  Au Contraire!  Life is perfectly fair.  s*x = babies.  People have s*x because they think it's fun, then get upset about the *fair* result that they knew could happen before they had s*x?  Actually, it seems like most people want life to be unfair - they just want the unfairness to be favorable in their direction.

    The big deal with abortion without paternal consent and being financially responsible even if you don't like the mother of your child is that ALL parties are lining up to not take responsibility for their own actions, and the ones to suffer, are as usual, the ones without a voice.

    They are either torn to shreds prior to birth, or live a lifetime without the parental guidance of one or both parents.  The question here isn't who is getting a raw deal, it is where is our sense of fairness?  Where is our compassion?  Where is our sense of responsibility?  Where is our love?  Where is our willingness to sacrifice?

    **DOUG!!!!**  You are not at the whim of women in this area!  Men, like women have choices about whether and with whom they have s*x!  

    think of it this way.  Whenever you want to have s*x with a person, first imagine that you are going to spend the next 20 years raising a child with that person.  You are basically accepting, with the act of s*x, that this person is the one whom you are choosing to be the parent of your next child.

  17. A very silly question. I think that what men want is for women to start behaving in a moral way again, stop aborting healthy foetuses, and stop using childbirth as a weapon for sexual supremacy. Most of the moral decline over the last forty years can be linked to militant feminism.

    If men didn't act as sperm donors, you lot would be in trouble wouldn't you?

  18. lol

  19. Not in the slightest...Why would any man want the monthly discomfort and the pain of childbirth?

    Interesting point though!

  20. I doubt it!  If I could give up my womb and give it to my future husband for him to be pregnant and go through childbirth I certainly would!

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