
Do you think that we choose happiness, or decide not to choose unhappiness?...?

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Has this got something to do with willpower, optimism or the way we percieve choices?...




  1. Happiness is our intrinsic nature.Unhappiness is our creation.

    So we cn choose not to be unhappy.

  2. we may try to be generally happy overall with what we have. but happiness also comes in a spontaneous way, that has nothing to do with our choice. sure, we can be more optimistic or more pessimistic, but so much of what we call happiness is beyond our control.

  3. Hmmm...

    Good question.

    I believe it does to an extent, but i also believe that there's only a certain amount that "a person can take" if you know what i mean.

    So many negative things can happen in a day and we can handle them and laugh at them just for spite if it's in our 'willpower', if we are optimists..

    But there's a point where one's willpower and optimism break...we all have a breaking point no matter how positive we are or try to be.

  4. We chose happiness.  We cannot control what others do or most external situations, but we can control how we perceive and react what does happen.  Will power comes into play, as in the will power to consciously be aware of perception/feelings and to limit/expand them.  

  5. Happiness is always a choice.  How you know this is by looking at your reactions at times.  All of us have had a time when we were unhappy and something happened to change it.  For example, if you were sitting at home on the porch and maybe feeling unhappy and someone came to you and told you that a million dollars just fell off a truck in your yard and you could run and pick it up and do as you wish with it  You would simply forget all about your unhappiness and off you would go.  

    If it can be changed by circumstances like that, then we can change it on our own, simply by choosing to do so.  

  6. With willpower, humans have been working hard to chase after their crave for happiness.

    With optimism, we pictured happiness as something wonderful or beautiful.

    And yes, we are conditioned to perceive happiness as to have this or that.

    But what make us happy?

    Once, our craving is met, fear emerged. The fear of losing this happiness appeared.

    Once, our craving is met, dissatisfaction emerged. We want to be happier.

    Suspicion and jealousy follows.

    Understanding that happiness is very link to unhappiness,

    Knowing that Contentment is bliss, it is realization.

    Putting this realization to practice, double the willpower is needed to resist temptations and changing the old habits.

  7. in life bad things come and go, and good things come and go. the key is not to only be happy when things are good, but to realise that everything is temporary, and it is possible to be happy all the time. (and i really mean ALL THE TIME.) i understand what the others are saying that will power and optimism can only help to an extent, but i know from experience that they are wrong. if your happiness depends on the circumstances of your life (e.g. whether things are good or bad), then your attitude to life is fundamentally flawed. life is not about attaining certain external things - such as friends, love, money, good looks, succes - but its is about being internally happy, and knowing that you are whole, and worthy of happiness; regardless of circumstance. im now grateful for hard times ive experienced, because they forced me to nurture my mind so that i am able to sustain happiness.

    it seems natural to be happy only depending on circumstance, as it appears that this is the way most animals, including humans, evolved to be. but its not the ideal way of living.

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