
Do you think that we should condemn Edward Timpson (Tory candidate in Crewe) because he was born rich?

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I mean! This was solely an accident of birth.

We don't condemn Gordon Brown because he was born:

"A middle-class,humourless,

English-hating,ugly Jock b*stard!"

Do we?

I say,Chaps! Let's have a bit of Fair Play in our Politics!




  1. Not much fair play in your question?  Timpson can't help being rich but he chose to be a Tory; now that is unforgivable.

  2. Condemn? h**l no, he can marry my Daughter. LOL

  3. No we should not. He has won fair and square.

    Unlike Gordon Brown, who in my opinion as absolutely NO RIGHT whatsoever to be in his job.

  4. Why is it when anyone voices that it is an injustice to have advantage solely by birth or education it is the politics of envy ?

    The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer . No jealousy just fact. Working hard and being a good person does not necessarily put you in a decent position in life . Whereas for people like him its a given .  Full stop .

  5. Whoever the conservatives put forward in any election at the moment will win, the peasants  are revolting, labour have left their core voter in a bad way, first they had to endure the change of years of tradition by having their industries taken from them under maggie, then they got their labour government in 1997 and since then what, nothing, zilch. Except they are a lot poorer and the areas most of them live in have become worse. I do not see labour winning anything for a long time.

  6. lets face it with the current state of the governments popularity at the moment the conservatives could have put a monkey forward as the candidate and it would still have won.

    But then the labour party put a load forward last time and most of them got elected.

    Time for a change and the sooner the better.

    Brown should go and take the rest of the party with him.

  7. The voters of Crewe and Nantwich didn't condemn him so why should anyone else?

  8. Definitely not. I think that there are just as many toffs in the Labour Party. The class war doesn't cut it anymore, because the public have wised up to these cheap stunts. If you think about it, they actually insult the intelligence of the voting public in thinking that they are too dumb to see through it.

    By ignoring the wishes of 75% of females on the abortion debate, I think that had a lot to do with New Labours Crewe defeat, amongst other things of course.

    Career politicians are not a good idea, because they make decisions in the interests of their own career rather than for what is right for the country.

  9. Not at all.

    Perhaps being rich, he won't need to rip off the taxpayer for expenses, like a lot of them seem to do.

    And he should know how to handle money, where we more ordinary folk wouldn't know how to begin.

    Give the guy a chance.

    There's always the next election to get rid of him !

  10. I have no objection to a wealthy person investing their time in their Country's politics, providing they are genuinely interested in the welfare of ALL the people and not doing it just for their personal prosperity or connections,etc. They should be evaluated by their track record before and after being elected.! If the uk people were smart they'd elect fresh, young, uk born non politicians....who have no special interest affiliations or obligations and throw out ALL the current ones, especially those belonging to a party. Independents are the way to go.......Otherwise this ISLAND  is doomed for rich or poor.!

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