
Do you think that we should have a "Bubble City" to live in , under our ocean?

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I had some friends that had predicted this type of place,,,and somewhere in the news once upon a time..I thought that I very well may have seen something such as this,,,,I would like to know if there might be a place that is either going to develope into such a place to live, or if any companies that thought of doing such a thing...would you want to live there, if this could be made possible,and why or why not?

One other question..would you happen to have a really cool plan to where we could live,,and where or what to do with our waste as well?

If so, what would be either a much better and more concievable plan, and where would you put people and waste?





  1. A Bubble City sounds like both an interesting concept.  I think it's certaintly possible.

        If scientists can come up with a synthetic material that is flexible, they could form the city out of the material in the shape of a bubble.  It would probably be clear so that the people in the bubble city could look up through the "sky light" and see all the ocean life.

      As for enough space for people, I believe that tunnels can be dug under the ocean floor, from one bubble to another.  Once one bubble has reaches the population maximum, there will be access to another bubble.  People could visit each other and any kind of transportation could use these tunnels.

      As for trash and waste, I think that by that time everyone would be educated on how to run aa city sustainably.  Most materials would be recyclable.  (Plastics, recycled paper, glass, etc.)  There could be another separate buble as a water treatment plant that would deal with contaiminated water.

      As of the moment, I have no idea of any ompanies that are looking into creating a bubble city, but it would be an idea to think about.

  2. I have to say that as much as I hate living in this world with all these crazy, stupid people ... I'll take my chances with them.

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