
Do you think that we will bring man made global warming under control in time for it to mean anything good?

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I love morons like you Joy Full. You write alot of BS and dont even answer the question.

Did I ask if the world was ending? Oh i didnt? I didnt think so.




  1. We were told in the 70's of an oncoming ice age .Terms such as "Nuclear Winter" were spoken of.  One major vocanic eruption could bring about changes that would make us really wish we could "heat up " the earth.  "Thinking ourselves wise, we became as fools"

  2. Humans (and greedy ex-vice presidents) need to quit s******g around trying to 'fix' nature.

    Just hang on, go plant some trees and enjoy the ride.

  3. Hydrogen powered cars are making their way into California and British Columbia, and if we can effectively spread the use of these cars, it will significantly cut down on global warming.

    Bush's new proposition for cars to get 35mpg by 2030 is c**p.  That will barely even level out the damage we have done.  By then, we will have millions more cars on the road, and we will NEED cars to get that much mpg in order to keep the ozone layer from swallowing up completely.

    We need to develop more efficient alternative heating methods, but if we can do that, I think we can start to control global warming.

  4. It's hard to say with any certainty.

    When I was in my teens, there was a major concern that the earth was going to hit another Ice Age, if we weren't careful.

    It's rather difficult to take the scientists too terribly seriously about global warming for me now.

    But pollution of any sort that affects humans, has never changed being a concern.

  5. Unfortunately many think CO2 is the only factor that affects the greenhouse effect, thus global temperature. But the reality is that water vapor provides about 95% of the greenhouse warming effect. CO2 is a around a 3% contributor, and the human contribution to that is about 5%, for a net human contribution to the greenhouse effect of less than 0.3%. I won't say it's completely insignificant - but it borders on it. Even if we were able to completely eliminate anthropogenic CO2, we could only control this 0.3% of the greenhouse warming effect.

    As a couple of reference points, the total greenhouse effect is approximately 33 degrees C. That means that due to earth's atmosphere, its temperature is raised 33 degrees above its blackbody temperature of -18 degrees C (-0.4 F) to a habitable 15 degrees C (59 degrees F). There has been approximately a 0.6 degrees C (1 degrees F) increase in global temperature over the past century or so. So I'll give the warmies the benefit of the doubt and say total greenhouse warming is 33.6 degrees C. Referring back to the human contribution percentage above, 0.3% of 33.6 = 0.1 degrees C (0.18 degrees F) of global temperature increase due to human activity.

    Clearly, curbing CO2 emissions is not going to provide any meaningful change. Only if we could instead control water vapor  could we possibly meaningfully affect global temperatures.

  6. There have been many scares throughout history that mankind or the world would end. This is yet one more. You will find twenty or thirty years from now, things are much the same and the world is not ending.

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