
Do you think that we will fly in hovercafts in the future?

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I heard rumors that someone has reated a hovercfaft. Do you think that we will be able to fly them sometime within the next 10 years?





  2. not in the next ten years. possibly in the far future (not in our lifetimes), but they would be either robotically/computer controlled or certified pilots would fly them. There is no way that so many people would be allowed up there. I mean imagine...people with DWI...ouch...

  3. if we have the chance it is going to be much much harder to pass your test

    for example your going to need to become a pilot to do it. if u want a hovercar your going to be in and out of different airports airspace and what not, your going to end up with a pilots license, a drivers license and an amateur radio license just to drive a car . if it happens its gunna be very very hard

    hope this answers your question


  4. It is unlikely so soon. I think it will happen eventually, but there are a few major problems to solve first. The first is reliabilty.When an aircraft breaks down, it tends to crash whereas a car just stops. That makes rock solid reliabilty (which is very difficult) absolutely important. The other is piloting. We have so many unreliable drivers that it stands to reason that if everyone flew, it could be very bad indeed. That means we would need a reliable autopilot to keep everybody flying straight. The last and possibly greatest problem is expense. Flight costs a lot of money. It would likely be a very long time before we would be mass producing aircraft cheap enough for everyone to own. Look at the history of the automobile for instance. For thirty or forty years after the first cars were made, they were a novelty for the rich. The same will likely apply for small personal aircraft, but once we solve the problems economically, I'm sure its a certainty.

  5. They have been in use since the 1970s.

    For example, you can ride in one from England to France.

    They don't fly, they are only inches off the ground.

  6. most likely the army uses them

  7. You can do it today. Provided you have the funding.

    This is how:

    Even if you can't afford it, the site is free. And the photos, video and concepts are way cool.

  8. they are in use now

  9. The way we are evolving yes

  10. I doubt seriously that there will ever be mass personal transportation that flies, why you might ask?...Look at the idiots who drive around you every day, now picture them in the air...

    NO WAY... it'll never happen, or if it does, I don't want to be up there with them, or under them...

    As for hovercraft?...anything that wouldn't climb to an altitude that could clear all obstructions wouldn't make much sense either would it?...

    We might however have piloted craft, where certified operators would move the masses about, but not a personal craft on a basis like a car...never gonna happen, too many aggressive idiots...

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