
Do you think that when a child turns around 8-9 years old he should be put into a special prison or boot camp?

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to teach discipline and responsibility and structure in life. Say for 3-6 months.

Including heavy exercise, boot camp chores (cleaning floors, toilets KP Kitchen duty), caning/beating for disobeying the rules.

We have so many young people who are disrespectful and doing this at an early age will make them real men and respectful men in the future and help English society.

Something similar to the movie "Scum"-

Some countries have mandatory army time- so i dont see whats wrong with this

Good Idea?




  1. Nah, I'll tell you what, why not try giving kids a secure grounded structured family life like they do in countries like Spain, France and Italy, countries that actually love and revere their children and include them from an early age in family activities like going to restaurants etc.. Stop treating children like the enemy, give them emotional security and watch them grow and blossom. This country's attitude to children is sick

  2. This is an interesting question in where it can lead.  Historically something like this was not so unusual.  Once there was a system of apprenticship.  Benjimin Franklin went at the age of 7 to learn how to be a printer.  The young man would live with a master of a trade and the master was to see to his food and shelter and teach him the trade.  By 14 he was to become a journeyman and by 21 a master himself.  But certainly such a system must have been filled with problems.  Not every "master" might have mastered the ability to deal with a 7 year old who has just left his family for his life in the world.  There were certainly abuses along with those who were given a very through grounding in their trade.  

    At the age of 10 I started working in my father's trade.  Many of my peers do not have the same kind of grounding.  The knowledge they gained much later in life almost seems like a thin coating on an already formed individual.  When I studied physics later what I was learning I already knew in a deep way that comes from experience.   The clasic liberal arts education has as part of its goal to learn how to learn.  Learning a trade at an early age often seems to include learning how to work.  Having a work ethic and a needed capacity (and therefore an investment is society) is some proof against an individual turning against that same society.  That is why often prisons now will provide training in skills and education.  

    I know several friends from other countries who have both had to serve a manditory army term and those who have worked very hard to avoid it.  For some the state's dictates have been benificial at a time when they were not sure what they wanted to do with their lives. (Although I think few would admit it.)  Others were quite clear what they did not want.  And then there are my friends who knew from an early age what they have wanted.  How can the state dictate the same to all three?  And should we have separate paths for women?

    I don't believe punishment for it's own sake will teach much more than that the world is cruel and allow adaptations to that rule.  I don't think I would want to live in a world where everyone had the lesson of cruelity as part of their educational foundation.

  3. There would be no need if parents were responsible and gave their children love and guidance!

    As for the unfortunate 'dragged' up society, you would never get the do-gooders agreeing to that! discipline went out with Thatcher! Hence today's current 'problems'...

  4. discipline comes from the family and i would hope that you are not being serious. Scum was a film but it depicted life in a borstal for young men, not children, and they were largely ineffectual and often brutalised the boys who went there, if you think that a nine year old deserves that then perhaps you don't have children or are living on another planet altogether.

  5. *** no! thats horrible .. =[

  6. My two boys were responsible, helpful, loving kids.  Despite being a single parent family they turned out very well and I'm extremely proud of them.

    I can understand that what you are proposing might have some effect on troublesome kids and be of benefit to them - the persistent truants, bullies, uncontrollable kids.  But not the majority of our kids - it's only a small minority that give all kids a bad name.   And while you are at it, the parents of these antisocial kids should be made to attend parenting classes.  No point in teaching the kids if the parents just waste it all when they get them home again.

  7. shouldnt parents teach these things?

  8. Great idea, send them all to Australia and don't let them off the island until they stop fighting and taking drugs and when they can be productive members of society like the rest of us.  LOL

  9. ..a special prison or boot camp?? No.


  10. What would it hurt?  I truly believe that parents are too lax now days.  Children learn their habits early in life.  I vote for boot camp.

  11. No, the military is not for everyone. For every person's life that was turned around, there have been just as many whose lives were ruined by it. Go to an area where homeless people like to hang out. Most of them are military veterans who are dealing with post traumatic stress syndrome and drug addiction.

  12. Have you considered lowering the age to 7?  I have a grandaughter who is an ideal candidate.

    Seriously tho - not a good idea.

  13. No! Have you ever heard of PARENTS? The reason why you have the rottenness of children in this country is because the lack of PARENTING! Parents dont want to be parents,plain and simple! Why,in this country does everyone blame the children for the way they turn out,when 95% of the time it's the PARENTS FAULT the way these children turn out! It's the ADULTS in this country who need to go to prison and boot camp(literally)!

  14. Children  should be taught whats right and wrong, starting about three yrs old. If you do not start then, well you will have trouble. The whole trouble started when the Government put their noses in and said you cannot do this or that. There is no need for smacking, but talking to them stands you in good stead, and if that does not work..,. well there is always the bedroom... without any TV etc. Manners are the main thing and behaviour at School, which is a must, Let the Teachers do their jobs without you whining all the time as well.

  15. sounds good, like Agoge in ancient Sparta.

  16. No I think that would be to extreme. We should learn from the Americans,their children have impeccable manners and have respect for their elders.

  17. Both of my brothers went to military schools and it didn't hurt them, but 8-9 is a bit young; I'd say teens, yes, definitely but make sure they are not abused and I have no idea what Scum is, never saw it and wouldn't see a movie with that title.

  18. Have you ever seen the film Scum? I cant believe you think this would be suitable for 8-9 year olds. You are not serious I hope. Raping, violence and barbaric rules are not what vulnerable children need

  19. A better idea is responsible parenting

  20. Not every child goodness no some children are really sensitive you could cause them damage for life. I think that the kids which get kicked out of schools all the time or reported for bullying alot should go to a place like that though so they stand a chance of learning something and changing because obviously their parents are incapable of doing so.

    I don't support a mandatory army at all.

    By the way if you force all kids to go to a school like that or an army like that it will only lead to them becoming extreme and rebelling

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