
Do you think that when a psychic dies..they will have more "power" as a spirit/ghost than others ...

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who didn't have psychic abilities while they were alive on earth?




  1. Surely.And may be there/in the spiritual world/ exists some gildia of spirits of psychics.

  2. no

  3. I think that some people DO have a higher energy level than others, and therefore might be more apt to become "seen" or move physical things around a bit more easily than another spirit who might have to work a little harder. But we're all capable of these things, and nothing is impossible.

  4. Yes,and they become angels.God only picks the best to be angels.

  5. There is a guy who has a million dollar challenge to anyone who can prove this stuff, so far nobody has claimed the money !

  6. Psychics don't have power fool.

  7. Not unless the psychic is a Jedi. It seems Obi Wan Kenobi really got his groove going after Darth Vader sliced him with his light sabre.  "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine."

    By the way, "psychics" have no special powers and when they die there's no reason to think they will have any other powers than those of a decaying corpse. I know that's blunt, sorry.

  8. Seems reasonable, but hard to prove. Have to wait and see! At least they may try harder to make contact. Curiously, none of my loved ones clearly made contact, but I've been visited by others whom I never met...

  9. JEEZ LOU WEEZ! They are Charlatans! And sorry to Burst your Bubble but there are no Ghosts!

  10. Everybody has psychic abilities. To answer your question, most certainly they would have more power to communicate in the short interim after they died. However unless the death was especially violent or completely unexpected and much was left undone a soul in such a state as you describe would linger only momentarily before heading for the light.

    BTW - Deenie you should report every person that called you a name in your posts. This is getting way out of hand and the moderators are only punishing the truth seekers. Maybe M$ should have bought yahoo and run them in the ground like everything else they've ever owned.

  11. No one has "powers". Psychics are fraudsters or delusional, and ghosts do not exist.

    Sorry to break the news to you, but this is a reality check.

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