
Do you think that women are more selfish now than they have ever been?

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  1. No more than men are.

  2. I think that all human beings are more selfish, and, apparently, more hateful too.

  3. There are some women who have not been infected with the deadly strain of the feminists virus... but their population is shrinking, they are endangered species now...

  4. People of both sexes are.

  5. I think everyone's more selfish than ever, now that they have more things to want.

  6. No, I think everyone is, Men, Women, Children

  7. Hmm I rarely see a man being called a "gold-digger" !

  8. Yes, I think the "having it all" myth proves that. Women have been made delusional by the feminist rhetoric that has been pounded into their heads. The reality is society, over all, is worse off than it was 50 years ago. The prison system is proof of that!!

  9. I agree with whaler6, everyone is more selfish in today's society. We (Americans) are no longer putting family first as we did in previous generations, now it's all about the individual.

  10. The big difference I see is that more women are placing their own wants before their children's needs.

  11. In todays on demand society everyone is more selfish.

  12. I can only answer this in the capacity of my life as it is now - not as a young free and single woman who, frankly has a certain right to be selfish (within reason, as does a young, single man)

    I think it's very easy to be selfish now, compared to 50 years ago.  We've all seen the comedy clip from Woman & Home that says a woman should keep the children clean and tidy for her husband when he comes home, and not burden him with prattle as he has had a hard day etc, but times have changed since then and women have come to expect and demand more - sometimes rightly and sometimes wrongly.  I know that there has been many a day when I've had a nightmare with the children, the cat's messed behind the sofa again, and I've forgotten to get dinner out of the freezer... by the time my husband come home I've literally pushed the children onto him and snapped that I'm going for a bath!  It's very easy to forget that he's been at work too, and may also have had a day from h**l!  that's a typical example of selfishness... However there are an equal number of occassions where I know he's been mega busy at work, and even though he's been snappy, I've made his favourite meal, sent HIM up for the bath with a beer at the end of the day, and sorted the children out for bed on my own.  As long as neither is a regular occurrence and you can talk and laugh about it afterwards, it's very healthy.  In fact, I'd go further and say that it's what a good marriage is all about.

    Are women more selfish now?  Sometimes, yes - we would never have got away with it in our grandparents day!  Do I think it's a bad thing?  Not necessarily, no - we're all human, and at least nowadays we don't have to tear our hair out in silence!

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