
Do you think that . women are . smarter than men?

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Because they pay attention to detail and we do not?




  1. Yes, women are smarter when it comes to ordinary and usual matters, and the ability to delve into details with ample focus and sincerity helps them further. However, in matters of top class excellence in any particular field, it is men who seem to win hands down, even in the traditionally stronghold areas of women such as tailoring or cooking. Furthermore, men are smarter in long range strategic moves such as in the areas of business vision or even a sport like chess.

  2. Not true. It varies from place to place; depending upon the clulture, tradition and also situation.

  3. What is the foundation for your statement?

  4. Some are and some aren't.  You can't make a general statement like that.  Basically I believe that intelligence is relative. Some people know things I don't, and I know a lot that others don't.  That doesn't make me any smarter or dumber than anyone else.  It just means I have a different knowledge base.

  5. ...that's Phony-Baloney

  6. I think in recent years alot of young men have neglected their education, but I don't think women are more or less smarter than us.

    Men and women make decisions differently. Men are more about logic. Woman weigh up emotional consequences when making decisions.

    In an argument women will say irrelevant stuff when they've run out of ideas. They don't win arguments, they just out-talk us.

  7. depends

    for the most part woman can really focus on something if they want too

    but wen a man wants to get something down bcuz of something he will over succeed a woman

    as a man has greater goals than a woman.

    why do u think back then .. MEN was the head of the house

  8. Yes. women are smarter in some areas but the men are wiser in others.

  9. we should not ever think women or men are smarter than one onther. only the deeds done by any one of them makes them smarter otherwise they are equal. But in any case women is not smarter then men because majority of the world is dominated by men

  10. Yes I consider women are smarter than man in many respects.Generally women are adjustable & sacrifiying nature.Most of the works which require most impassion can be trusted with women only. It is gift of Nature (God). The reproduction & bringing up of children are done by them only. Any major cultural changes are due to them only. If some gredit goes to Indian cultre means , it is because of them only.

  11. In family matters,  definitely!  

    We know almost instinctively what is good for our family,   how to maintain relations with...well, relatives,  how much to spend and how much to save for a rainy day.

    Isn't that smart?

  12. I think its about equal . Common sense is another story, women would win this category  but it would be close for some areas of dealings.

  13. Women are more "multi tasked". I guess that both sexes are smart in equal ways. Guys tend to take things slower, so they get a better understanding (:

  14. no women are better at some things but men are better in other ways.....they both weigh out as equal smartnes

  15. Women can do more things at once, but will diddle dally alot.

    Men are more goal orienated.

  16. no one smarter

    they think emotionally (details)

    we think logically (conclusions)


  17. Depends on the person.

    A pathologist pays more attention to microscopic detail, than a car mechanic.

    I was a 'house wife superstar', and my attention to detail was from the floor to eye level, nothing above.  Consequently, there were too many spider webs in all the nooks and crannies of my ceiling.-- with rent free mother and baby spiders.

    Before i went to Uni, I cannot remember what I was like in the detail business.   But having to read and write quickly, and repeatedly at Uni, have shot down any sense of being able to look or read carefully, or for details.

    I now make big 'boo boos in reading emails, timetables, instructions etc ... because I am always just scanning, and not reading for details.

    Having said all of the above ... please note:

    Womaen are and always have been smarter, better, kinder, sweeter, more charming, more intelligent than men.  This has been a fact since Adam was a boy!

  18. Mother was very wise. Father had the strength to put his wisdom to use.

    Mother wrote in three different languages, Father was illiterate yet was master debater.

    Men are more intelligent. Scientifically proven. Women with a higher proportion of male genes have stronger features and natural aptitude.

  19. Hmmmmmm...



    i dont know

  20. ummmm.... not really .... both are smart

  21. It is not a matter of genetics.

    As there are smart women, so there are smart men.

    It is true, paying attention to details, makes the mind more analytical.

  22. is that even a question....hunny the answer is totally obvious...its WOMEN!!

    no harsh feelings...

  23. Each gender has its many attributes. Both are equal, especially when society or religious belief doesn't prevent their gender from  getting in the way. However, when it comes to starting wars, men are dumber than women.

  24. Not really.

    Men & Women are pursuing somewhat different biological agendas and consequently will appear brilliant or stupid to each other as we navigate our specialities or find ourselves  fish out of water.

    The classic example example is the rocket scientist trying to figure out when the girl wants to be kissed.

    Ultimately though I believe we are cut from the same cloth.  

    I don't think women are more detail oriented,  I just think they favor emotional details, while men favor mechanical ones.

    Your sister knows when your girlfriend wants to be kissed, but don't be supprised if she asks you to set up the TIVO.

  25. stronger intuition but we can get carried away....

  26. I think both. In some areas maybe men are more logical. But women are more precise in their decisions.

  27. I would say we are equal..

    There are exceptional men as well as women out there

  28. Not necessarily. It depends on the person I would say.

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