
Do you think that women who have not had children have not explored all aspects of womanhood?

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Sometimes I feel motherhood isn't as valued as it should be.




  1. Do you think that men who have not had children have not explored all aspects of manhood?

    Sometimes I feel fatherhood isn't as valued as it should be.

  2. Women who have not had children have not explored motherhood. And motherhood and womanhood are not synonymous with each other. Any adult human being without a Y-chromosome in their cells can be said to be female. What she has done or not done does not define her as a woman.

  3. I wholeheartedly agree, but regrettably, many women are unable to conceive and are haunted by this for the rest of their lives.  Artificial methods of fertility are extremely expensive and many couples do not have the financial means for such attempts.  For this reason, such women deserve particular care as they face extraordinary emotional turmoil by an erroneous sense that they are somehow defective.  Such women go to such extremes whilst TTC often to no avail, having expended vast sums of money and emtotional frustration in the process.  These are the women whom genuinely deserve the greatest degree of societal compassion for they genuinely want to produce life, irrespective of gender.

    Post-modern feminism frowns upon such women who actually would appreciate being able to act as an "incubator for a parasitic entity" that we term a foetus or an unborn baby.  This hateful ideology is probably the most destructive element in Western society in all my years.

  4. A woman is a woman with or without kids.

  5. So what about women like my sister? She can't give birth no matter how hard she tires. Does that make her less of a woman than those who can? To answer your question, no I don't think that.

  6. maybe so

  7. I disagree. I also think you maybe a little ignorant in your thinking.

    Show me the evidence you have supporting your theory and I'll show you my evidence disproving it.

  8. All aspects of womanhood? Oh, you mean like picking up dirty laundry, cooking, cleaning, being a taxi service, breaking up fights, etc. etc. I envy my child-free friends. They can enjoy those aspects of womanhood from afar.

  9. Every woman creates her own "womanhood"; if children don't factor into it, so be it. I never want to have children and I consider myself a complete woman.

  10. I think motherhood should be valued.  But I don't care if some women don't want to be mothers, it doesn't seem to me to be that important, though it would be a cause of concern if most women felt that way.

  11. I think your right about motherhood not being valued but I think all womens experience is valuable and that women who have not had children are not less than those that have.

  12. Yes of course. However whether it's a necessary or desirable aspect is debatable.

    As Bellavita says we are never going to experience all aspects of human life.

  13. yes

  14. No.

  15. No not really, I have met plenty of women who feel just fine about themselves for not simply being a breeder. Having children makes you no more or no less a woman or a man. Some people do not deserve children that do in fact have them.

  16. You ask this as though there are not many women who would like to have children and who, for various reasons cannot or will not during their lives.

    You risk seeming insensitive and judgemental.

  17. No. No more than men who have no children aren't "real" men.

  18. Yes, it certainly rounds you out as a woman.

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