many adoption agencies state that they (or aparents) will pay living expenses and support "pregnant" women prior to birth.
yet, many of the women who do the "loving thing" and place their children for adoption, do not have FMLA or sick leave to take the time off after childbirth. furthermore, many of these women are working poor, perform shift work, must take leave without pay, and risk losing their job for extended absences. hence, i wonder if those who are so supportive of adoption, would support legislation to offer temporary financial assistance for women who deliver babies placed for adoption?
ps. i'm not a huge fan of any financial assistance prior to birth because i think it's mildly coercive. yet i'm on the fence about leaving young women without financial assistance when they are physically unable to work, or lose their job due to childbirth. hence, why i think if it's done, it should be provided by the county/city or state, not the agency or aparents.