
Do you think that yoga and meditation help us in getting powers like....?

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levitation,reading others mind,controlling all the forces of nature like david blaine and criss angel do




  1. WILL power!!!!!!

  2. Basically both you mentioned are stress relieving exercise and keep your body hale and healthy. Nothing else it will do. but practising this you lead a normal life and a satisfied natural behaviour and the facial appearances normally makes others liking you and try to show their eagerness to help you in all sorts and some people misuse you to their urge -hope u understand - the stimulation of your body structure etc.,

  3. they are illusionists. if you really want control like that, go to tibet and study to be one with the universe.

  4. Well, you could learn how to control your heart rate, your involuntary body functions, and reach deep sleep a lot better (you could even start feeling fully energized after only 2 hours of sleep).  Those are some pretty powerful powers right there.  There's a lot more that a human could achieve, but, I'll leave that to your own discovery.

    But as far as those two guys are concerned, it's all deception for the weak minded.  Don't even bother with wasting your time with those "tricks" (by all means, not powers). (liiA)

  5. They do.  I have seen examples of this in several people.  The people you mentioned may or may not be illusionists, but there are some people out there who can do some of these things for real.  And there are a lot of people out there who do not want to believe that these things can occur!

  6. Criss Angel does not control the forces of nature, they are simply very good con artists. Hence the name "illusionist". It's not real.

    And yes, yoga and meditation CAN help you learn abilities like clairvoyance and clairaudience and telepathy. It helps you learn to quiet the "chatter" of the mind, which allows your true heart's voice to be more easily heard. In your heart's voice lies the voice of your guardian angels and your spirit guides. And even God himself if you believe. I can do those things, I CAN hear people's thoughts, but I don't do it alone. I have help. And that's how it developed into something I can actually depend on, it began with meditation and grew from there.

    Peace to you

  7. Yes, yoga knowledge is very generous - it helps almost in everything everyone  that wants to accept it.

    Sometimes I wonder why   India is not between top countries as to people wellness if possedes  the original yoga system and my only answer is because some dogmas serving anti-yoga forces.

  8. 1)  David Blaine and Criss Angel are just as subject to the laws of physics as everyone else.

    2)  All their supposed feats are achieved with either sleight of hand, misdirection, props, special effects, or shills.

    3)  Yoga and meditation won't help you do magic tricks.

  9. Illusionists, they are illusionists.

  10. David Blaine and Criss Angel are illusionists.  They are magicians whose job it is to create tricks that appear to violate the laws of nature.  However, they are just taking advantage of specific shortcomings in order to make the illusion appear real.  That's what magicians do.

    I believe yoga and meditation can cause an individual to increase his ability to concentrate and relax.  I do not believe this makes an individual able to accomplish magical feats like levitation or Jedi mind tricks.

  11. First, Criss Angel and David Blaine are illusionist (magicians) and nothing they do is real accept the "trick" of making it seem real. They also freely admit that everything they do is a trick.

    Yoga and meditation or any other mental discipline would certainly help with the hours that required to create and practice any magic trick or any other creative work.

    Meditation an Yoga may also help via health benefits.

    Mental disciplines (like meditation) is one of the predicting factors for people doing better on the Ganzfeld (an ESP test).

    I have never seen any evidence of anyone being able to control the forces of nature or levitating (on their own power).


  12. if you do it seriously and you are very dedicated you will notice that you start hearing you intuition.. but the rest of the stuff you said.. doubt that.. i am doing yoga.. but you have to be VERY DEDICATED.. otherwise you aint gonna gain anything..

  13. Illusionists....

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