
Do you think that you can be attracted to someone without feeling lust?

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Do you think that you can be attracted to someone without feeling lust?




  1. Yes, one of the side effects of a long term relationship, once the lust bit has run it's course.  

  2. Yes, I have alot of male friends and we are attracted to each other but not sexually.

  3. Yes. It is possible to be just good friends and be attracted to each other.I think it is called platonic relationships!

  4. Hail the comradeship for the untrodden of this world in the name of companionship.

  5. Wouldn't that kinda be contradictory? Unless you mean like, a parent-child relationship or teacher-student, but I'm assuming you're not.

  6. Yes.

    If you are attracted to their brain.

  7. Only if they have *truly* deluded themselves regarding what attraction is actually about.  

  8. No....No,, are you joking?

  9. If you mean lust in terms of sexual desire, then yes.

    My "need to breed", the biological function that drives my existence is not the be all and end all of my existence.

    I also feel lust, in terms of what gain I might make from the potential relationship, in terms other than sexual.

    Beyond the "need to breed", there lies my base instinct for survival, and comfort. If I can see an alliance will serve my desires, then I will pursue that alliance.

    Lustfully, you might be tempted to say.

    I am human. I am built to survive. My species will will still be in existence when the stars themselves are snuffed out.

    We have evolved as a species to survive, to multiply, to go on.

    Lust, in any form, is simply an expression of that desire, that inbuilt need, that basic program that makes us what we are.

    Damned efficient at what we do.

  10. not me.

    No matter what, there would always be ´´the possibility´´

  11. Definitely, it is love like you've never known

  12. :|


    Humans developed five senses for a reason.....

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