
Do you think that you can call on a certain spirit but get a different one instead?

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If a person is praying and calling on the Holy Spirit to come to you think another spirit could come and pretend to be the Holy Spirit?

No..this is a question for R&S. I want an answer from a paranormal point of view..not a religious one.




  1. This would require a couple of circumstances to take place. One the other spirit would have to have some knowledge about the spirit being called (it would have to know the right answers). This could be possible via ESP with your mind giving away the information. This of course is only if specific information can be communicated.

    The second circumstances would be signs that were less than solid evidence for a particular person.

    For example asking "Uncle Vinny if that is you make the lights flicker (or any other action)"? Even if the lights flicker while it might provide evidence that something is responding to your suggestion (a spirit, your own possible PK abilities) it does not provide solid evidence of it being Uncle Vinny.

    So, in those circumstances sure it could be possible.


  2. You mean they have wrong numbers in the after-life as well?

    Gee... How lousy is heaven's phone system then.

  3. I think the answer to this should be obvious.

    1) the name Lucifer means bringer of light and the bible says he will appear as an angel of light. So, yes, if your heart is not truely with the Lord, then Satan can and will step in.

    2) If all spirits obeyed out every demand and wish then there would be no question about thier existance. We would easily be able to prove that such things exist.

  4. If you're asking about the Holy Spirit, by definition that IS a purely religious question (the Holy Spirit is specific to the Christian religion), and the answers you get pertaining to the Holy Spirit will also be religious answers, not paranormal ones, no matter where you ask. Hence, this really belongs in Religion & Spirituality. Otherwise, refrain from singling out religious concepts such as prayer or Gods and try asking again.

    As far as your answer, you're currently in the Science & Math category and science has nothing to say about praying to Gods, the Dark Ages notwithstanding.

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