
Do you think that you live more in your shadow than your real self?..?

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For example,, Hiding behind the real you,, putting on an act around some people,, living as a shadow of the real you as a person.....




  1. yes mainly because im ashamed and afraid of myself.

  2. sometimes

    but then my shadow disappears

    im almost done ridding myself of it

  3. I am living in the shadow because i have no knowledge of real self.

  4. I would say I used to, but I dont any more. I have learned to be myself and if others dont like that they're gonna have to live with it. :P

  5. Actually I live "behind" my shadow to hide from the world :)

  6. Dear Tracy,

                         I live in The Now. I don't have these apprehensions. As living in the Now, makes every moment a new birth, a new experience, enjoyable, fulfilled, endless, everlasting,

    complete, peaceful, adorable, lovable,so there is nothing second but only the One and the First and Ever Going.

  7. lol I live in the moment, and what you

    see is basically what you get! No act is

    necessary when you live your life honestly!

    lol my shadow follows me and does the same.

  8. I live behind a mask/in my shadow - purely because im scared of myself people think they know the real me yeah i am a fun loving,sarcastic girl but theres more depth to me that i dont and wont let anybody see, im scared of myself and theirs loads of depth to me but people think that everythings floating on water when actually more stuffs down the bottom of my ocean then floating on top.

  9. Everyone does. Persona means "mask" or "character."

    Personality is by no measure some distinct trait of behavior that defines who we are-- it is , rather, our ability to play out our behavioral role in society.

    "Man is a make-believe animal - he is never so truly himself as when he is acting a part."

      --  William Hazlitt

    The true you is nothing but opinions and desires, and it is these desires which society aims to inhibit, per its moral and ethical implements. But other than desire, there is no "true" you. You are only a person insofar as you are a member in society--a character in a play.

    So long as you are a member, you must hide in your shadows.

  10. Everyone puts on an act around other people.  There are only a handful of people you meet in life that you are truly able to be yourself around.

  11. Everyone puts on a mask?


    Everybody tends to judge the cover?

    The truth behind the mask is not ripe enough to be judge by me yet.

    Perhaps, in due time when I’m wiser.

    What is your opinion, dear Tracy?

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