
Do you think that your account will last longer if you answer questions instead of asking them?

by  |  earlier

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Do you think that your account will last longer if you answer questions instead of asking them?




  1. Perhaps.

    I have told you people many times how to avoid suspension and my words fall on deaf ears.

    Pick a section that you can be useful in and bring the questioners to the ads there.

    My online tutoring makes my account teflon, while " Object " with her empirically unsupported rants is on her 100th account ( not much of an exageration )

  2. Nope.

    The gestapo will get you.

    You'll see.

    You'll ALL see!!! Muahahah!

  3. it doesn't make much difference because your account will only get deleted if you attempt to provoke stupid arguments, say ignorant things, or try to offend people.

  4. It should not matter, both are needed on this site.

  5. Yes, I think questions are somewhat more likely to get deleted than answers.

  6. what do u mean last longer

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