
Do you think that your life in High school...?

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Do you think that your life in High School was a miniature representation of what's happening to you now? Please tell me what life was like (for you) during High School and what life is like for you now. I'll try to come up with results (if I can). Thanks.




  1. Not at all.  Life in high school sucked.  I had few friends and people didn't really like me.  I felt like I didn't fit in anywhere, and since I am not a cliquish type, I knew I wasn't going to be accepted into any group.

    Now, I am liked by most people, my intelligence and personality are appreciated, I have many friends, all because I like pretty much anyone.  

    Once you get out of high school, you'll see how insignificant and irrelevant all the social cliques and issues are.  The real world doesn't care all that much about how you dress or whether you can play a sport.

  2. Well...  I went to four different high schools in about two years, I suffered from depression, and then dropped out early during my junior year.  When I went  to college at 18, I still struggled with depression, and ultimately quit school early in my junior year (I've since returned to college).

    The similarity stops there, though.  The person I was in high school is very different from the person I am now (I am now 24).  In high school I was an honor roll student and a cheerleader, so I wasn't a typical dropout, but I really think that in high school you really cannot have a real sense of self.  My experiences in high school made me who I am today, but high school is just short period that is only as significant as you choose to make  it.

  3. i think highschool was a major part of who i am now, i found who i was and im still that way. i was a pretty well liked guy, partied a lot and did a lot of crazy things and made a lot of memories, learned a lot about life, love, and learned lessons. i guess my life is still pretty much like highschool now except with more responsibilities and no drama

  4. NO. High school was...not good. People in general are so immature in high school; even if you're not, your classmates are. And of course there are far more restrictions and structure, which is a good thing for some people and a bad thing for others.

    During high school I had a wonderful group of friends, but I was forced to study a lot of subjects I didn't care about, deal with administration that was in charge of our lives yet completely out of touch with them, and deal with a lot of obnoxious immature classmates.

    Today I am going to a university where I am able to study subjects I'm actually interested in, not restrained or directed by out-of-touch administration, and my classmates are nice and easy to work with. I have a lot more worries and responsibilities, but also a lot more freedom to do what I want.

  5. basically, it was a short story (happy beginning 1 yr, major problem with a climax 2nd yr, found a solution 3rd, and a happy ending 4th yr. however, hs was way worst than what i have to put up with right now... i escaped hs.

  6. Like I told a preacher one time, if you had told me, back when I was a teenager or even 20, that my life would be the way it has been over the last 35 or so years, I'd have thought you were the sickest, dumbest and most ill-advised person that could have ever walked planet earth, BUT, it's been the way it is, and I can't imagine how my life during highschool would have EVER predicted this.  My life in highschool might have been a HUGE MIS-REPRESENTATION of my life since then, but definitely not a representation of it.  Details are not necessary, and are too private / personal for "public review", but, what I say is incredibly true.  God Bless you.

  7. I was quiet in high school. I kept to myself, studied a lot, and worked after school. I avoided the parties, dating, the booze, drugs, and hang out spots.

    My life now, I am married, a father of 3, high school and college educated and retired army. I still don't drink, don't do drugs, don't attend social gatherings of any type and keep to my family. I'm only 39.

  8. I was quiet in high school.  I paid attention in class and got good grades but I had very few friends.  I didn't drink or do drugs.  I was painfully shy.  I'm not that quiet now.  I'm not that shy now I have more friends now than I ever did then.  I still stay away from the drinking and the drugs.  I work hard at my job and I'm good at what I do but I don't take it as seriously as I used to take school.  For me a lot is the same but a lot has changed also.  I have fun now and I didn't really have much fun back then.

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