
Do you think that’s its ok as a parent to secretly go through there teens emails and stuff? ?

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Do you think that’s its ok as a parent to secretly go through there teens emails and stuff? ?




  1. If I thought my teen was involved with something that could hurt him or someone else, you can bet I would be going through his stuff. Every school shooter has had parents who had no clue that anything dangerous was going through their kid's minds. Many kids get into drugs and other dangerous activities because their parents feel terrible about invading their privacy.

    I don't go through my teen's things. He has given me no reason to not trust him. He talks to me openly about what is on his mind and when he is upset I know. If that ever changes and I start to feel he has secrets that could be potentially dangerous, I will go through his things.

    I love my son. If I wasn't willing to do whatever it takes to make sure he gets through his teen years safely, then I would be a bad parent who didn't deserve to have him.

  2. yes my step kids are only 6 years old but when they get older you can bet I will its something parents have to do to keep their kids safe with the mess this world is in  

  3. No, it's private.

  4. no not at all

  5. yes i think it is ok to do that......

    these days and times out here is so scarey

    even parents that  THINKS  all is well with their kids, it may NOT BE SO

    according to the kid


  6. I do.  Usually parents only stoop to this measure if they are suspicious of drugs, s*x etc.  Basically things that could really s***w up their child's future.

    The only thing I think when they DO find something they jump all over the kid.  (Its not all parents...but a lot of them act that way).   I had a friend whos dad beat her with a hanger because she wrote about her 1st kiss in her diary.   Then he photo copied her whole diary, so he could read the entire thing.   It was really sad.  But even after seeing that 1st hand...I would snoop through my kids stuff in a heart beat.  Just handle the situation better.  

  7. don't even have to look at their emails...just check out their myspace page :-)

    I think in certain circumstances it would be ok....if you have reason to be concerned about drug use, alcohol use, abuse, criminal activity....big things like that.  However, I wouldn't do it just to be nosey...I would only do it for circumstances like the ones above which could endanger the future of my child.  

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