Even as floodwaters subside in parts of the Midwest, residents along the Mississippi River could find themselves knee-deep in another hassle: mosquitoes.
The first potential outbreaks, hatched out of the flood's still-standing backwaters could carry wide spread West Nile Virus California's Mortgage Crisis has anohter crisis Swimming Pools that are turning green causing larvae to hatch as people abandon homes..
Fires continue to break out-SAN FRANCISCO, California (AP) -- Firefighters in Northern California battled more than a thousand wildfires to a stalemate by Sunday, but forecasters said dangerous conditions would not relent anytime soon.
Forecasters predicted more thunderstorms and dry lightning through the weekend, similar to the ones that ignited hundreds of fires a week ago.
Meanwhile, a U.S. Forest Service report said the weather would get even drier and hotter as fire season headed toward its traditional peak in late July and August.