
Do you think the American government is corrupt?

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I can really understand why other country's hate America when they look at the things we do and our last 2 presidents lied multiple times




  1. Find me any government anywhere that isn't at least a little bit corrupt!

  2. The American government goes from the President down to the average person and everyone in between. If you call the government corrupt, you are calling us all corrupt.

  3. no, not corrupt. Our new President, Obama will get things in order.

  4. Corruption is evident in the American government. Look at the funds generated for both parties to get their man in power. It is outrageous to see that so much money is around when regular working Americans have trouble meeting everyday needs.Strange that a bankrupt family is now rich after being in power. Strange that former presidents benefited from arms sales during a war period and another through oil titles. What's in it for me is the question they seem to ask themselves before serving their interests in government.

  5. Every government, ever, is corrupt.  Period.

    Every president we have ever had has lied multiple times while in presidency.  It's called politics.

    I would love it if somebody could prove that wrong.

  6. Not all of it, but MOST of it.

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