
Do you think the American people could overthrow the current federal government if they really wanted?

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If they all came togeather and really wanted to start a whole new system of government, get rid of the constitution and everything. Do American private citizens as a whole have that might?




  1. we need to overthrow the federal reserve, it has been running the country and our polititions for a long time, and its actually an illegal entity!!!

    peaple would have to all sacrifice and strike all together and all at one time, then change the rules to benefit everone!!!

    itll never happen, they wold use our own military against us unless we all stood together!!!

    do some research and some deep homework, you will understand what im talking about, war is good for them!!!

    if we question authority we are labeled as unpatriotic!!!

    live well and prosper!!!

  2. yeah but why would we,, i like it how it is except if we get a woman president then ill move to Canada, or Mexico

  3. I think eventually this will happen, as the middle class gets squeezed out and we are left with the very rich and the very poor.  Eventually there will be so many poor that they will have the numbers for a revolution.  One against George W. wouldn't be all bad.

  4. Did you hear about the report that came out that the government considers Al queda then Hezbollah then the disgruntled USA citizens to be the greatest threats out there, thats wild to think that so many are unhappy that the government thinks the citizens are a threat. We can change this country thru voting the rascals out, but not voting for the corporate owned people, I think you will see a change coming in who people vote for because folks are tired of the bs and the Constitution doesn't say anything about the Aristocrats running things, hecks that who we were getting away from when our ancestors formed this country.

  5. Sure, the people could overthrow the government.  Personally, however, I feel it would be a big mistake, because we have a government which can be changed by the people at every election.  If we get rid of our current government, odds are that whatever replaced it would not be as good.

    The best way to have better government is to elect better leaders.  Nobody has to get killed that way.  Use the system, rather than rebelling against it.  It really is a great system, even if certain chowderheads are ignoring it, and doing things they should not be doing.

    Having a revolution SOUNDS like a good idea sometime, but, against your own country, I suspect most revolutions cause more problems than they solve.  A revolution, after all, is run by people who have decided to make decisions based upon force of arms.  So, why would you think they would stop, once they have taken over?  If you ever disagree with them, they are likely to shoot YOU.

  6. Yes, by voting.

  7. well yea - we can do anything the french did and do it better - if we have a mind to.

  8. It's called voting: If a lot more people did it, the government would have no choice but to bend to the will of the people.

  9. I think they do, but for some reasons people kept putting Bush back in office.

  10. Absolutely! But we would have to get 100 million citizens to give up getting drunk , forget about who they can s***w(literally) and what they want for themselves, and actually think about the Country rather than just themselves for one whole weekend. Never happen. You cant get a million americans to act like they actually care about their neighbors for an hour, let alone a weekend.

  11. We have the might and the ability in sheer numbers, but I don't think most have the balls...but something needs to change.  We can only be led by twits for so long...but h**l, I'm in!

  12. Never happen Be cause you don't love your doesn't mean a thing you are a very small segment of this country Most of you would have trouble finding gas money

  13. Yes, it's called non-violent civil disobedience (Gandhi used  successfully used this tactic against the British).

  14. it will happen eventually, maybe not in our life time but someday. politicians are all out for them selves and corporations to make money and one day the people will have enough.

  15. I'm with Skinney~

  16. Yes they can. And someday they will. By refusing to be duped by the democrats and republicans any longer. We do have that right, yes.

  17. Yes they could.  In a ew minutes, there's a new story about something Britney, Lindsey, Nicole or Paris did that I have to hear about first.  That is far more important.

  18. The situation you describe is very improbable, but hypothetically, I guess right now could.  Most of the military is tied up in Iraq, so they couldn't be used to quell any violence that may break out.  As far as changing the whole system by the book, (i.e. using the current systems procedures for ammending the constitution etc.) I guess it could theoretically be done, but good luck getting that many people to agree.

  19. No.  That isn't possible.  The US government is a lot more organized and powerful than it was prior to the US civil war.  It wasn't possible then, and it's a lot more impossible now.

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