
Do you think the Americans astronauts were the first to land on the moon?

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Some experts suggest this was a hoax.

Other people feel the Russians were the first to land on the moon. What are your feelings about this and do you think the government should invest more money in the space program?




  1. I know they were.

    Just some questions you might ask yourself...

    What experts suggest it was a hoax?

    Surely you aren't talking about Sibrel, Kaysing or Ralph Rene (if you wanted your appendix removed, would you trust a "self taught" surgeon, or would you prefer one with proper credentials?)

    Why would the Russians keep quiet and accept the american landings if they were there first?

    Have you ever wondered why Hoaxers like Agent Fox never adress the actual points made on the Pro-Apollo-sites?

    Does he show his "scientific" evidence?

    If you want a more thorough debate why don't you head over to the two boards below, Y!A isn't really suited for that.

  2. My feelings about it are irrelevant - the reality of it is that the US was the first to land humans on the moon and successfully return them to Earth.

    If the Russians were there first, why didn't they tell the world that when it happened (that would have been before 1969, so at least 40 years ago).

    I am constantly amazed how lunar conspiracy theories ignore the reality of 1960's politics and the cold war.  I guess the people that think up these things are too young to know the truth of that era.

  3. Of course they were.

    The Moon is not that far away astrologically and any one with the most basis telescope can view the Moon so if there were some one that landed first then all would know about it. also during the 60's and the great Space Race whoever landed first would have had the best bragging rights, just like the Russians did when they were the first to place a man into space.

    As for investing more money, I feel that the money available could be used better.

  4. some of the video looks suspect to me.

    Like when you see one of the astronauts fall over forward, and he's pulled up , as if with strings.

    As for the russians, no, they weren't on the moon. They would have bragged about it to no end, just as NASA did.

  5. if the russians landed on the moon first, then we would've heard a lot more about it. its a well known fact that although they were he first to launch into orbit, and have a satelite, we were the first to land on the moon.

    the government should keep investing the same amount it is into the space program in my opinion.

  6. The Americans were the *only* country to put people on the moon.  The Soviets were very close, but when we did it, they saw no need to continue spending so much on the space race when there was still such a hot arms race going on.

    If the Russians, (Soviets, then), were the first to land on the moon, I think they would have told someone.  Who would even suggest such an absurd notion?  Probably the same people who suggest that the US was behind the 9-11 attacks.

    Let me make this very clear: there isn't an "expert" ANYWHERE who challenges the moon landings.  The biggies who started this nonsense and contributed heavily to it are Rene, Sibrel, Kaysing, and Percy.  Despite Rene's false claims, do you realize there isn't a one among them with a degree in science or engineering?  And yet, in 45 years, no scientist or engineer anywhere in the world challenged the authenticity of the Apollo program.  Do you think all those rocket scientists know something that these intellectually and morally bankrupt, money grubbing, uncredentialed conspiracy theorists don't?

    Every one of their bogus claims has been utterly debunked.  They are nothing but historical vandals, capitalizing on the general gullibility of the public.

    P.S., that's one of the totally debunked claims I was referring to.  The astronaut, if you look carefully, is pulling up on the other astronaut's right hand with his left.  It is difficult to see.  And the reason it looked unnatural is because the gravity on the moon is only 1/6 of the earth's.  See?  There is nothing suspicious when one knows the facts.

  7. 1.  The Soviet Union did not claim to send cosmonauts to the moon.  Only the United States of America has made that claim.  Thus, it is clear that the people who "feel the Russians were the first..." don't even understand the facts.  Feelings, like "wishing" the Russians had been there first, no matter how strongly held, won't make it so.  

    2.  Yes, I know the American astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first man from Earth to set foot on the moon, and he came home again, too.

    3.  Incredible technology came from the push we (and the Russians and others) invested in the "Space Race" ...  How many channels of TV do you have at home?  That's because of the space race.  Do you get a fairly accurate weather forecast?  How about GPS navigation, Internet access anywhere in the world, safety of ships and aircraft, and so much more.  Here's a story about an indirect benefit I know about...

    Before sending men into orbit and then on to the moon, we needed to know how many meteorites there were out there.  We built a huge spacecraft (well, it had a huge, wing like detector on it.  This wing had lots of tiny microphones to detect impact of space dust.  OK, so what came of this?

    These tiny microphones, it turns out, can detect the beating of a chicken heart in an egg only 3 days after being laid.  So, many drug safety tests were sped up enormously.  New medicines would be injected into eggs, and the eggs were set on these microphones.  Significant changes in the timing of when the chick's heartbeat began were a clue that the medicine could cause genetic changes or other problems.

    Do I expect the space investment to pay off, for example, by finding a gold mine on Mars or the moon?  No, but the investment we make in the science and technology has enormous implications for our future.

    I don't think the government spends enough on space and science!

  8. We were in a very public space race and the Russians bragged very loudly about all their accomplishments.  In view of this, the chances that they would have kept it quiet had they reached the moon are zero to none.

  9. No one believes the Russians were the first to land HUMANS on the moon-- they did crash a space probe on to the surface in 1969-------- and had several orbit missions before that-- here are ALL of their launches--

    Space IS the last frontier--- and humans are explorers by nature.

  10. We did it. Period. See the other 5,708 people that asked this question this week.

  11. The moon landings were a hoax period. Dont believe anything these sites that attempt to refute the hoax because they are afraid the hoax is slowly unraveling to skeptics backed up with scientific evidence that the moon landings were a hoax.

  12. Nobody ever landed on the moon because the moon is just a big NASA hoax. Also, the Earth is flat and Elvis is alive and working in a donut shop in Cleveland owned by the Easter Bunny.

  13. your spellcheck is wrong. your sentence should read "some idiots suggest..."

    if the soviet union had landed on the moon first it would have been independently observed, just as apollo was. the soviets could not have pulled a fast one with everybody watching, just as the u.s.a. couldn't. a successful mission would have been world news, just as apollo was.

    please go learn something before you embarrass yourself further.

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