
Do you think the Austrian man that kept his daughter and children in the cellar is totally NOT cool?

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Do you think the Austrian man that kept his daughter and children in the cellar is totally NOT cool?




  1. The man is unable to comprehend right from wrong and may be mentally unstable.

  2. He is Adolf Hitler...

  3. That dude has some bad vibes goin on  fa-show!

  4. He's just a complete prick.

  5. Oh my god that's sick! I read about that in the papers and his grandchildren are also his children?! He's a sick man and deserves to be locked up.

  6. He is one sick turkey!

  7. are you of your head ,cool what the h**l question is that  are you thick or something

  8. Well, it certainly wouldn't be the way I choose to raise my family.

  9. Of course it wasn't cool, jesus!, where you from America.  coz if you are the stupidity of that question makes sense,  kind thoughts, Carol

  10. totally not cool????  what the fu** does that mean ? the man is a sicko

  11. A complete nutter

  12. everyone says he is a nutter, he knew exactly what he was doing ....he has no excuse he is just a sicko.. sadistic evil b*****d and should be treated as so

  13. I think it is not cool to ask really stupid questions more than once!

  14. "totally not cool" is not appropriate for the severity of this horrific incident.  "Totally not cool" is when your surf buddy spills bong juice on your carpet.

  15. What concerns me most is his lawyer saying he is a human being and is not a monster!

  16. Pretty much does without saying that he is the antithesis of cool. Interesting case though, I've blogged about ti:

  17. Not quite the terminology I would use, but I think I get your drift.

  18. Do I think you are so totally an idiot?

  19. I think it's fair to say he may well have issues.

  20. Don't be so bloody stupid,what an utterly inane question.

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