
Do you think the BB producers knew how disgusting Mikey was going to be...?

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...and how the h**l is he still in there? what with his minging habits with food and graphic pervy s*x talk... watching john mc cririck made me permanently nauseous..but mikey is in a league of his own for grossness..




  1. I absolutely agree, although Mo has overtaken him in the minging stakes since the whole bogey incident. I used to really like Mo but now...he makes me feel sick.

    The reason Mikey is still in there is because no-one wants to be seen nominating the blind guy. He'll be in the final unless BB put them all up for eviction maybe next week and have a double eviction.

  2. I can't put it any better than Bex has ..

    She is one of the RTV originals .. and isn't easily swayed by BB's editing of their latest target... and like me never forgets what the SWINES have done...

    Mikey has been edited VERY positively of late... especially with him standing up to the gruesome twosome..

    we all know BB want him to win.. or at least be in the final... it would be great publicity for them a blind guy winning... but would be just the same as Cameron winning BB4.. what a damp squib... we will never hear of Mikey again..

    dR bad

    I think there is no point Mukey being up (next week) .. he won't go...

    the public are as stupis as the housemates are... if I was a housemate .. i'd vote for him every week.  

  3. Yes, Goodness knows how he is still in there.....He may even go on to win because people feel sorry for him.

    Just looking at him makes me feel squeamish and to think Mo ate HIS bogey...

  4. haha  Shannon i  thought you  wanted  him  to  win  a  few  weeks  ago lol  ,but  i know  what  you mean  while  everyones going on  about  Mo's bogey  eating    have peeps  forgotten  the  disgusting  things  Mikeys  done  ,  "sproutgate"  "cupgate"  "peanut butter gate"  "knickergate "  what  next  i mean  purlease  get  the  dirty   git  out  !!

  5. He is sick, isn't he?! Who is your fave housemate? I don't know who mine is anymore as all of the good people have been voted out!

  6. ha ha how you have turned shannen we was all telling you this ages ago, but would you losten NNNOOOOOO lol

    the dirty pig looks set to win as well - i might become a ex bug brother fan if he does


  7. Yes they did!!!  And he is less mingin than MO or that rat haired posh turdette!  I'm lovin him, he's ma fave to win now!

  8. What are you on about, he's hardly disgusting! I'd imagine its not the easiest eating really neatly when your blind, and he hardly talks pervy s*x talk. God, give the guy a break.

  9. I actually can't stand him. I don't know why people like him. If he wins it must be a fix or something.

    Speaking of Mikey, did anyone see Mo eat his bogey...Oh My God.

    They both should go! Now!


  10. he is disgusting but if tou think about it we need someone disgusting or annoying just like we need someone funny or s**y..for entertainment purposes othewise we may aswell put cameras in our own houses and watch ourselves,,but you are right he is a wanker lol

  11. he may be disgusting but he is the only one in there to say what he thinks to peoples faces go mikey !

  12. of     course    they    did  ./    bb     must    of     got     in     touch     with    his     radio     station      and    they    have    told    them    all      about    the    disgusting     habits     he    has  .       bb     do    a     check    up     on     every  one     entering     the      house    

  13. if you couldnt see, how horny would you be.

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