
Do you think the BNP should replace Labour?

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Are they the best choice for Britains next goverment?




  1. Yeah, Obv

    Anyone seen adulthood yet?

    Based in london- most of the charecters are black!

    i mean multicultral is supposed to be black AND white.

    labour are bring more immigrants then we actually need.

    labour doesnt give a **** about british people.

    and some councils now are only employing immigrant workers.

    The BNP are not natzi's at all. yeah, go ahead and say that 2/3 have been caught with hitler material in thier houses ect.

    But actually. they're the complete opposite. the jews have been voting for them.

  2. Dont think so.

  3. Absolutely not.  They have fascist leanings and bad policy choices.


    \\  Golgothor


  4. The BNP are a load of former national front hooligans who put on suits and called themselves a political party. On person said, whilst answering this question that the BNP's manifesto is not racist. The 25 point programme of Hitler in the 1920's didn't mention anything about the horrific treatment of Jews, communists, disabled people, gypsies and all the other innocent people who were brutally murdered. Before they got any power, they were seen as simply a nationalist group who wanted to put Germans first. The BNP are fascists, racists, sexists, homophobes and out right idiots. If they ever get any political power in this country, then god help us all.

  5. Most definately not. From what i hear they are very outdated and need to get into the real, multicultural society/world that we live in!!!!

  6. YES and we are not the racist party we look after the British people

    by this I mean




    If you check out the B.N.P. web site you will see for your self what good work we do for our community

  7. No - it'd be best if they both disappeared.

  8. Yeah lets replace a bunch of fascist, racist, sexist, corrupt bunch of warmongering tossers with the BNP, that'll work. Then again maybe not.

  9. Absolutely not.They are a single issue protest movement with slogans rather than policies and will never rise above that.

  10. As they are now NO

    But if the BNP dropped their Racist views, they could one day become a serious contender for Labours position as first choice for the working class vote.

    In other words if the BNP promoted British values, British Identity, and put all of Britain's population first, no-matter who or what they are (as long as they want and become true Brits), then for many they may seem like a credible choice.

    Until that day though, No Chance

  11. Yes I do think BNP should replace Labour and if it comes to it theTories too. They are the only party with strong constructive ideas and they will put Britain first. As for being Nasis and like Hitler Please make up your own minds, dont let the media do it for you

  12. the BNP? uneducated barely literate xenophobic neo-n**i knuckle-dragging slack-jaw'd skinheads who think a "bovver-boot" to some minorities heads will solve ALL their precious UK's problems.

    do you really want to see the seat of british gov't run by a grunting nest of tattooed f**kwits deciding on policies via letting their pit-bulls, rottweillers & akitas (with names like attila, gunga, ripper, mauler etc) fight it out on the floor of the house of commons? by all the gods! you'd have a globally respected country then, eh? lol

  13. Yes, as their Racist policies are almost as good as New Labour's own discrimination against white men.

  14. No.

  15. no way!

    labour isn't great, but i don't our country run by a government who has similar views as Hitler!

  16. No what is needed is a social revolution to get our country back from the bureaucrats not support for a bunch of racist misfits. The problem lies with the state giving sovereignty to Brussels and creating draconian powers to rule us we no longer live in a true democracy as David Davis has rightly pointed out roll on the revolution!

  17. In the last general election, 99% of the population didn't vote for them.

    So, I say no. I've never seen a party before, or since, whose policies I disagree with 100 per cent. Yes, Labour aren't doing very well, but to replace them with a bunch of criminals - I will fight with every breath in my body to stop that.

  18. I agree with Chew on This.

    I agree with some of their policies but the whole thing about wanting to repatriate all the non-whites is just ludicrous.

    I think we should strictly control immigration and put the people who already live here first, before we start inviting others into the country.  I think we should get tough on young offenders and foster a sense of national identities (I say the plural as there are more than one national identity in the UK - Scots, English, Welsh etc) and Britishness.  I think we should stop selling our country out to the businessmen and start making people matter.

    But I do not agree with making Britain a 100% white country.  People of all races should be welcome here if they are bringing needed skills and have passed criminals records and health checks etc to show they will be an asset to our country.  We need to make immigration more selective so that only the best get into the country, just as countries like Australia do.

  19. I hope so. Henley was a possible indicator. Can we not nail once and for all the lie that the BNP want to evict all non-white people from Britain? It is simply untrue. Anyway it would be completely impractical.

  20. Any GOVERNMENT that makes the native population less equal than the immigrants deserve to be hung drawn and quartered!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Honestly, could they really be any worse than the shower we`ve got in now.

  22. I never thought I would say this!But!They seem more in tune with the people than this lot of incompetent political fools called the Labour Party!Are they the next best choice?!I would have to have a long long hard think about that!

  23. yes, most definatley, if you read there manifesto, they are far from racist, they just stick up for British people, and British rights and there is nothing wrong with that, thats the problem with this country if you call yourself Bristish or want Britain to progress, and not have an open to anyone immigration policy then you are classed as racist. i think that they are the only party that doesn't suffer for this politically correct attitude that all parties seem to have !

  24. why not??? OH! sorry.....was that  answer racist??? some one has to look out for the indigenous population of this country. i am a proud and open member of the British National Party. we need to close our borders and get our country straightened out. that is not racist....its common sense. we have a failing infrastructure that needs to be looked at and sorted out. the people of Britain need a voice.

  25. No, but if they collect enough votes, the mainstream parties might get the message that people have had enough. Therefore it's a strategic vote.

    They'll never get into power in this country.

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