
Do you think the Chinese cheated and do you think it is relevant to the Olympics?

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Just a poll. Personally, I think they did and regardless of talent (which there obviously is), I think they should be disqualified.




  1. Personally, I think your mum cheated on your dad.

    However, that is my opinion, I have no proof.  

    Does this sound stupid?

  2. maybe,not very sure

  3. poll. Personally?What is the data, although everyone has the right to express their views, it is not necessary the people it kidnapped

  4. Since Yang Yun who won 2 bronze in Sydney admitted that she was 14 when she won, I think there's clear evidence that there is systemic cheating in the Chinese system.

    Consider that the Chinese own internet registration records for the past 4 years indicated that 3 of these girls were born in 1994 and suddenly their 2008 passport shows their birthdates as 1992 is just way too coincidental.

    Inference is clear (as well as the burden of proof for a non-criminal case in the US--in case someone wasn't aware)

  5. yes i think that they do and that it is relevant cause it means other countries could be winning and regarding the gymnastics one of my friends said to me that there was this chinese bloke was on the beam and did absolutely nothing while this other bloke did amazing stuff and he won silver. Then there was this other dude that almost fell off (i cant remember which part of gymnastics she said) and another guy didn't wobble at all and he didn't win gold. And that little girl who was actually singing just because she wasn't cute enough doesn't mean they should get someone else in. And anyway all little kids are cute i should now i see plenty of them at school

  6. Of course they cheated! I recently watched a video of a Forensic expert who gave evidence that they had cheated. I cant find the video but perhaps another user might have seen it and post the link here. The size of the pupils.. in very young children they are exceptionally large. As they approach age 12 the pupil size shrinks. Their pupils were that of young children. Secondly, the lower half of the face's shape. In younger children the lower half come toward a point at the chin. Again, as they approach a pre-teen age, their face rounds out. There's were still pointed at the lower half. Thirdly, the ears...of corse in very young children, the ears are much smaller. The increase in size once they close in on the pre-teen age. Theirs have yet to increase. The forensic expert also pointed out that these features know no race..meaning it is the same regardless of race or s*x. The simple physical fact is that our body changes once we reach a pre-teen age. (call it puberty shall we) Theirs have yet too change. The expert did'nt mention....but allow me......THEY STILL HAVE BABY TEETH!!!!  

  7. yes. they hate the usa. the usa is too good that they cheat to even it out. look what happened to shawn johnson the other day.

  8. They cheated?

  9. It is obvious that the Chinese have a lot of talent and no one should say otherwise however, there has been a lot of evidence regarding age.  What you are comparing is women to children and yes, 30-40 pounds with agility does make a difference.  Since it has come up in newspapers, it should be investigated thoroughly.  If age wasn't a prerequisite, it wouldn't matter, but age does matter.

  10. No. Regarding gymnastics, I feel the judges have a lack of knowledge of it.

  11. Yes i think there cheating. China wants to have the oh-so-perfect olympic year that they would do anything for it.

  12. Clear cut case of cheating.  That' just my opinion but i would bet my house and car those girls were not of age.

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