
Do you think the Chinese in WW2 could have beaten the Japanese if America didn't step in?

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I was having this debate with my friend on the bus-ride home and he seems to think that they could have. So join in the debate and please back up your answer.




  1. China had all be been destroyed by Japan before America got involved in WWII

  2. America came into the war too late.  It is a shame!  And that is a good question.  However, Japan is HUGE and their forces were very, very strong.  It is doubtful that without any aid, they would have succeeded.

  3. China had already lost thousands of square miles to the japanese. There was no way they could win.

    Japanese soldiers were tougher, better equipped, better coordinated, and well trained.

    The Chinese soldiers were farmers with cheap rifles and little training.

    That is not to say that Japan could have conquered all of China, but that wasn't their intention. They just wanted to occupy Manchuria, and the souther coastlines.

    But the Chinese couldn't stop them from landing and couldn't hold them back. I'm convinced that if we had not gone to war, Japan influence would have overwhelmed the region.

  4. No.  China did not have near the fire power that Japan had in 1941.

  5. I think it would have played out just like the German invasion of Russia in WWII. As the Japanese advanced further into China, supplying the troops would have become more and more difficult - long supply lines can be easily cut. Plus, the Chinese were fighting for their homeland, which is a large psychological advantage. So in the end, after a long and bloody conflict, I think the Chinese would have won.

  6. Who can say? After all, everything is history already. With or without America stepping into the picture, what has happened can no longer be undone.

  7. Buy sheer numbers,h**l yeah!  

  8. Of course not..they were being slaughtered! They didnt have a chance

  9. maybe maybe not

    you never know.

    compare the facts

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