
Do you think the Chinese judges are judging un-fairly in the Olympics???

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There are alot of reports about the Chinese judges being biast and giving better then deserved scores to the chinese athletes.. what do you think about this?

Also, how can we prove He (the gymnastics girl on the China team) is under 16??? We all know she is but of course the Chinese govt isnt going to release that information.. so what can be done? Why do they feel the need to cheat and lose face just for a medal????




  1. well i don't know if all judges are chinese..anyways..the events i see ..i didn't see any unfair i don't think so..

  2. no

  3. What is unfair is the abuse and death threats sent to the Australian judge when her score didn't even effect the outcome.

    Those people are an utter disgrace.

    Aus Judges score on He Kexin was not included in the final scores at all!

    Aus Judge gate Nastia the exact same score as Three other judges!

    "The important thing is not to win, but to take part." Pierre de Coubertin - founder of the Modern Olympics.

  4. What Chinese judges ? The judges come from international panels representing all countries, there ARE American judges there too, you know !

  5. No doubt there has been some really bias judging going on in favor of the Chinese in gymnastics.  But have you seen the judges?  They aren't Chinese.  This is what really puzzels me.  Hmmmm.  Pay-offs?

    I don't know.  They have even been booed by the crowds so it isn't like it's going un-noticed.  

    The under-aged girl?  I've heard it said by the ones doing the announceing that there are usually under-aged girls on the chinese teams, but no one contests it so it just goes on.  WHY?  Aren't the Olypmpics  suppose to be about sportmanship and fair play as well as ability?  I always thought it was, but the longer they go on, the more I get the feeling that dirty politics (or payola)  are ruining them.  I haven't seen that in most of the sports, but where the Chinese are predicted to be strongest---the judges seem to make sure they are!  

    It's really a shame.  Makes people resent the athlete (who wasn't involved in the judging) and to me it would take away from the pride in winning the medal fair and square----not to mention how the ones feel who worked so hard, competed fairly, then got robbed.  

    Maybe if enough people would complain to the Olympics Committee and threaten boycotts or whatever, they would clean it up before it gets even more out of hand.


    Well, guess they found out one of the girls was 14.  I don't see why there has to be two before they take back the medals.  Isn't that s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g things a bit to accomodate the Chinese?  Would they have done that for anyone else?  Doubt it.

  6. Are there any Chinese judges? i didn't think so.

    It's more of a lack of experience amongst the judges.

    I did find it funny that even some of the Chinese were booing the judges when they gave Johnathan Horton his score.  Too low.

  7. ignorant american girl. go home.

    1. As others pointed out, judges are from an international panel.

    2. Regarding He, there has been no proof. I thought America was big on innocence till proven guilty. Didnt they teach you that in school?

  8. I guess the reason why there are so many questions about this is because most of the questioners have not been through the era when Soviet were dominating the Olympics.

    Remember when Soviet was dominating, people were also asking the same questions about Soviet? About unfair judging in Gynastics etc.  Then came the American era, hey? Why didn't anyone ask if the judge were biased and favoured the Americans then?

  9. hey!!did u really watch it??

    the judgements were not all chinese!!

    that's olympic games,not chinese games!!!

    if u can't accept the result that chinese athlete did better than american's.u can just turn off the tv n keep ur mouth shut!!!

    the boring question has been asked again n again!!!

    i think it's quite fair!!!!

  10. I think the judging has been quite shady. I also find it odd that China seems to only be getting Gold is events that don't have judges.

    Also, don't act like the judges can't be bought just because they aren't from China.

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