
Do you think the Clinton political machine makes Hillary appear too phony and contrived?

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Do you think the Clinton political machine makes Hillary appear too phony and contrived?




  1. Yes probably, but my main problems with her are her stances on issues, especially Iraq.  I prefer John Edwards.

  2. I just dont like Hillary

  3. Hillary Clinton has the advantage of inheriting the network of fundraisers that catapulted Bill Clinton to Presidency.

    VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know if Hillary will likely win.

  4. Hillary does that all on her own

  5. Hillary is phony and contrived. There's no need for any external assistance.

  6. mmmm hmmm

  7. Nope,

    I think hillary is already Phony and contrived.

    And the Clinton political machine, is doing thier best to cover it up.

    Democrats seem to think they are running against Bush,

    But he's not running for election next year, they are gonna be in for a rude surprise in Nov 2008.

    I can already see it, all thjose diebold voting machines that worked just fine in 2006 congressional election,

    Are all going to somehow get rigged again in 2008.

  8. I think Hillary makes Hillary look phony.  The Clinton Machine is working over time to correct that.

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