
Do you think the DOW will see low 11K again this year??

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and why? thanks




  1. Not unless some global catastrophe occurs.  But that's just my opinion.  Ask any one of the talking heads on CNBC on any given day and you will receive a different answer and none of them the same.

  2. I see the markets as sideways to slightly bearish.  It could be like the 2000 bears markets where there were giant rallies and crashes but the overall direction was down.  In that case I could see it hitting 11000 easily.

        But I can't say for sure we will just have to wait and find out.

  3. I expect the DOW to plunge below 12K as early as this coming week, and hit the 11,600 level, at which time I would probably go back into Mutual Funds.

    The news all around is almost entirely bad - housing crises, high unemployment, USD in the tank, taxes going up, inflation due to oil & food, and the wars .

    The only good news I can see right now is that that things are so bad, the bottom is likely closer than the top.  There is a good possibility of the DOW going below 11,000, but I will probably take some chances at 11,600 or so.

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