
Do you think the Democrats did not seek out the most qualified candidate?

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And chose Obama only because they felt it important to have a minoroty, even more-so then Hillary, on the ballot ?




  1. Nah, Nobama was most qualified because he won the "who hates America the most" contest.  

  2. Obama is the best choice for the job.

  3. I dunno

    I voted for him in the primary cause I liked his political platform.

    Silly silly me.

    I should have voted for him cause he was black, and I should feel guilty cause I'm sexist against Hillary.

    Obama is the best choice for America, in my opinion.

  4. He got the most votes.  Why shouldn't the person with the most votes win?

  5. At least we dont have to answer this question.....the republicans are taking care of business with their ex-beauty queen momzilla VP choice who has a bachelors in JOURNALISM--who abandoned her infant four days after birth and now her TEEN.

    its just too rich.

  6. That's pretty obvious, isn't it.

  7. I think they were more interested in making history with the first African American president than in having an old Washington candidate.  I have little respect for this at this time.  If they had waited until he got a strong background in national politics so he could have built his own record, I might have thought it was a good idea.  Also, the Dem party is moving far to the left and threw their best president in many years under a bus, along with his wife.  I think they have thrown this election out the window.  After 40 years, I no longer claim to be a democrat.  I'm an independent.  I'm tired of politics overshadowing the needs of our country.  Both parties need a major over haul.

  8. Obama was NOT nominated by the American people of the Democratic party.  

    Hillary Clinton is the person who won popular vote with the dem to run for president.  The powers that be in the DNC decided they didn't want her to run and swayed the super delegates (and some of the delegates that should have represented their constituents and vote Hillary)  to vote for Obama. I don't care what a select few want at the top, I am going to vote for the person I want in the White House and that is Hillary Clinton.  If everyone who voted for Hillary writes her in at the election and if any of the independents vote her way, she could win.

    Even if she doesn't win, the DNC should have consequences for their actions.  I can live 4 more years with a rep.  Then maybe they (DNC) will learn and Hillary will run in 2012

    Remember, Hillary won popular vote with the dems.  The select view at the top (males) decided Obama was a better choice then what the people voted for.  Slippery slope, slippery slope.  I'm not letting the media (who keep saying we’re unified?) or the select few tell me how to vote.  No one I know that voted for Hillary is "unified" they are all writing her in or voting for McCain.  Where are these polls coming from saying the dems are unified?  From the Obama supporters to begin with?

    I don't care what Hillary said at the convention, I'm still writing her in.  She has to rise above and be supportive of her party.  I don't have to rise above anything or let someone tell me who to vote for.

  9. get over it already Obama has proved that he has what it takes to lead this country by uniting millions of voters who are ready for change its the people who are afraid that a black man can actually lead this country who keep pushing the issue of race and inexperience. here is some food for thought: the founding fathers of this nation were not Gods, they were regular men who owned slaves, they were rich men and for whatever reason they thought that slavery would be good for this country. So considering that this nation was built off the blood sweat and tears of black people why is it so hard to believe that a black man could run the country. Obama is more than qualified, when you look at the credentials of someone like bush who has ran the country to h**l, (not to mention he used to be on drugs and graduated at the bottom of his class, obama graduated at the top) can we really say he under qualified. I thought the only qualifications that counted was you had to be white, male, balding, over 50, with rich parents, and born with a silver spoon in your mouth. Now with those credentials no he doesnt qualify, hilary doesnt either for that matter.

  10. I think Hillary would have been much better candidate than Obama.

  11. I do think the DNC was setting him up as far back as 4 years ago at the Democratic National Convention.  There is no question that Clinton was more qualified for the job.  By a mile!!!!    Obama is a gifted orator, and I think with some more time in the Senate, can do some great things for this nation.  Unfortunately, he is a "learning on the job candidate".  Reminds me of Bush in many ways.  Bush picked Cheney because of his lack of knowkledge and experience.  Obama is doing the same with Biden.  The Democrats screwed up with this pick.  There is a whole lot of people right now wishing Hillary was up there.

  12. Our nominee was ELECTED and we had a large range of really good choices, He rose to the top and won, he was tested and vetted and he now is our nominee.

  13. No, I don't.

    Now get over it, he is there, and is going to the White House.

  14. I think Obama is qualified and Clinton certainly was, but I've said from the beginning that I don't think Democrats want the Presidency.

    Racism and sexism is very powerful in this country and people will not vote for either for that reason alone.

    I find it hard to believe out of a Congress which is majority white male, that they couldn't find a white Congressman to be on the ticket.

    I think the Democrats want the Republicans to have the presidency because the next person has a huge burden to clean up mess made by Bush and his cronies.

  15. No, he got more votes and more delegates. The party feels the best about him at the helm. It doesn't have to be about the years spent in Washington, in fact the train of thought is that someone who is entrenched in the Washington system will be far less likely to breathe fresh air into it. To change it. There are some serious problems in Washington right now, both parties are saying it. Obama shouted it from the rooftops and has shown a real desire to do something about it. He has a track record of ethics reform and working in a bipartisan fashion to get things done. He was against Iraq from the beginning and as a young man seeking a senate position stood against it in the middle of a campaign, a very risky political move. He is actually interested in taking these points of gridlock and various "wedge issues" and trying to find a middle ground to at least get the ball rolling in a positive direction. To me it sounds like a great point of view for where we are right now.

    You can point to experience, but I say people who have been in Washington for decades made the decisions that got us into this mess. Obama has shown great judgement every step of the way.

    Obama fit the bill perfectly, and most importantly, he was nominated through a fair, I'll give you flawed, but fair primary system to do so.

  16. I've been a Dem all my adult life and this is by far the worst candidate ever served up. He has flip flopped on almost every issue, has the least experience of any modern day candidate, split the party and frankly every time I see him pat his wife's *** I am reminded of "slick" Willy. If the party desires self destruction then they have their man.

    McCain- Palin 08

  17. lol... uhh. ok

  18. Obama got the nominated by the American people of the Democratic Party. He has the same resume as Lincoln, one of the best presidents in US history. He has faced months of scrutiny and handled himself extremely well.

    Why are you playing the race card? It was McCain who chose Sarah Palin (not the American people as in Obama's case) for Karl Rove style politcal reasons.

  19. Yes, that's the way things have become unfortunately.  Neither Obama nor Clinton was the most qualified Democrat around but they were the ones with the best chance to win in the general election.  This happens every election and in both parties, this is the real reason our government is such a mess.

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