
Do you think the Djoker will make it to the US Open finals and beat Nadal in straight sets?

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Unfortunately, I think the Djoker is going to win. It's a hard pill to swallow since he's such a punk. Only, I don't think Nadal is going to make it to the finals because the hard courts aren't his best surface. What do you guys think? Inquiring minds want to know....




  1. From the start of the US Open I predicted that there'd be a Rafa-Djokovic final, and from the looks of it I think this is exactly what will happen! Both players are in GREAT form right now. They're beating really tough opponents, moving well around the court and coming in with their best hard court game.

    If you look at it statiscally, Djokovic's a way stronger hard court player than Rafa is. But things like this matter too : Nadal's the world number one now, he's REALLY confident, he just won 2 Slams and a gold medal and he's playing his best tennis.

    You're right, hard courts aren't exactly his surface, but he's done everything this year so a US Open victory? Why not! He'll make it to the finals and face Djoker. Who will win is really hard to call, but I'm going for Rafa.

  2. Nadal beat the Djoker in the Olympics and it was played on hard... Novak had a tough time against Cilic and I'm sure Nadal is very motivated to win a slam on hard.

  3. I think its going to be a Murray vs. Federer final.  Djokovic will lost to Andy in the quarters and Andy will lose to Federer in the Semis.  I also see Nadal losing to Murray in the Semis.  It might sound crazy but it will be a Murray vs. Federer final and Federer will win his 5th US Open in a row.  People seem to forget that Djokovic is injured right now and it is starting to wear on his game, oppenents like Cilic and Robredo he should win in straight sets but he is winning in 4. I think Andy being 100% healthy and on his game will win that match between him and Djokovic.

  4. Djoker does play better on hard than Nadal, but Nadal is Nadal. He's playing his best tennis since the Slams, and I don't see him losing this one either. Nadal will win the US Open unfortunately =).

  5. probably.  i saw the match between djokovic and celic i think two nights ago and it was amazing.  one of the best matches i have ever seen.  both are awesome. anyway, i wouldn't be surprise if djokovic win the us open.  whoever plays better will win.  

  6. No, Djokavic is really good. But Nadal is better, even with the hard coart surface.


  7. i don't think so

    don't you forget that Nadal has won the legend.

    he is always playing good

    no doubt about that

  8. Nadal, IMO.  We never underestimate Rafa's capability. Hard courts aren't his best surface ? Nay.  Although he hasn't won the hard court Slams. He has 7 Master's Series trophies on hand :  

    Madrid, Indian Wells, Toronto twice, Beijing Master's, Dubai ( not a Master's ), and the Beijing Olympics at 22 ?  As Nadal repeatedly has put, " I can play well on any surface when I'm in good shape."  Yes, Nadal is determined, and hungry for the Us Open trophy this year.

  9. no, he's not passing the quarters cause andy is gonna kick his behind, haha.-

  10. no way

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