
Do you think the Drinking age in the U.S. should be changed from 21 to 18?

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At 18:

You can vote

be on a jury

and join the army

At 21: Drinking

Don't you think we should be able to drink at 18?

and if so

do you think that it is goin to help colleges out

with less kids drinking?




  1. You should be able to drink at 18, but it should be illegal to sell you anything to drink.

    It is more fun when you think you are getting away with something at that age.

  2. This is a little weird ...

    I was just on this website right before i got to this questions.

  3. No, we have solid numbers proving that the age group from 18-21 are not responsible enough.  Many states dropped it to 18 back in the 70's.  I was part of that group.  lucky me.  Anyway...the alcohol related deaths immediately sky rocketed.  So they raised it back to 21.  Lowering the age will not stop college kids from drinking, it will just encourage it.  If it is that important to you, join the military and get stationed overseas. They can drink legally over there.  

  4. I think you should be allowed to drink before you can drive that way its out of your system.

  5. no way!!!

  6. The drinking age should be lowered to under 15 so we will have less dui accidents.

  7. yes if you are old enough to fight and die for your country you should be old enough to drink in it  

  8. It doesn't matter, people who want to drink, like people who want to use drugs, are going to do it regardless of the law, that's why Prohibition was repealed, it didn't work.  Just saying "Don't do it!" works no better with alcohol than it does with s*x, and the "Abstinence Only" s*x education program has proved a dismal failure, so why does anyone expect that method to work with anything else?  Proper education as to the ramifications and consequences, as well as a realistic acknowledgment that many, if not most, people are entirely capable of enjoying alcohol responsibly given a chance to learn how, would be a far more practical, and probably more effective, approach.  It's leaving kids with no knowledge or experience to try and figure things out on their own that is causing so many social problems.

  9. no i do not!

  10. I do not think the drinking age should be lowered as colleges and universites. You could stay home if you wanted to was drink. Why do the parents object to this because they are ones paying the tution.  

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