
Do you think the Earth is round?

by Guest59570  |  earlier

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Oh sure all these so called "scientists" will tell you that it is, but comon, we all know they have a secret agenda! This whole business of rotating around the sun is just ridiculous as well.

It's a Government plot to scare you into thinking this is like the only chance and only planet we have so they can control our lives and let the liberals and radical environmentalists take over isn't it?




  1. It does not take rocket science to figure this out. Have you never been on a plane? it's pretty obvious. Plus, there are soo many people in this world that fly, take pictures, and research the earth. Surely, something would have leaked out if what you are saying is true. I think your being a bit oveanalystic. One look through a telescope, and you can answer your own question.

  2. round

  3. I headed east from Jacksonville, FL to the Suez canal, Saudi Arabia, UAE, India, Singapore, Japan, Vancouver Canada and finally San Diego a few months ago.   Don't know how it happened, but we got to the west coast by heading east.    Must have circled back while I was sleeping one night....

  4. I believe the earth is round as much as I believe in that global warming is happening.

    Edit: You know I don't know what more scare global warming or people who cannot understand a sarcastic question when they see one.

  5. lol. Yep, you're right. The government wants liberals and radical environmentalists to take over. And the earth is not round. That's reality all right.

  6. Technically it is not round.. It is more shaped like an egg...

    The way they found this out, by the way, was that sailors noticed their ships would appear to "sink" as they sailed out to sea.  They also noticed that when they were coming in from the sail that their port would appear so rise form the sea.. From there all they had to do was test the theory..

    I hope this helps... :)

  7. no its definetly flat if you go to the end you will fall of and the sun goes round the earth isaw this in a film so it must be right and i am studying for a degree in the environment lol.

  8. are you for real?

  9. If I'm correct I believe this is a well though out parody of all the "Global warming is fake boards"

  10. not technically....its got bumps n stuff on it ...but mostly round

  11. Repeat after me...Scientists are always right, until they are proven wrong (which is almost every day).  When science is proven wrong, it is called a "discovery".  The day before the "discovery", science had labeled that very near-to-be discovered truth as "false" and those who believe the truth as "misguided".  The truth never did change, it always was the truth, just now science acknowledges it.  Science is like a dumb kid running into walls.  When it runs into one, it says "look what I discovered".

  12. ARE YOU STUPID?WELL I THINK YOU ARE! takea bite out of reality now,would ya please?yea...its round.thanks very much

    grow up.

    be mature.


  13. Somebody is paranoid.

  14. Lol! Did Al Gore invent this conspiracy too?

  15. Did you also notice the squirrels with video cameras and/or microphones strapped to them? I saw one a couple of months ago.

    Look it up. The government has trained an army of them to spy on us all...

    Wonder if it has anything to do with that 'round earth' thing ;O)

  16. Actually, it is pretty well established that the earth is not round, it is pear shaped.

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