
Do you think the GOP will cancel their Convention?

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With Rove hand picking McCain's VP and they trying to push Palin off as a everyday American (she's a right wing nut case), will Rove be upset if they cancel the convention next week?




  1. Why bother with a convention, its a foregone conclusion that McCain is their man.

    oh well...

    Its just part of the whole media circus

    and selling the AMERICAN public on the idea that they have but two choices for President and that all of the other candidates don't count because they do not have the blessing of GREED INC.

  2. I don't think the Republican convention will be canceled. However, I think it's likely they will shorten the length of the convention and have it start on Wednesday or Thursday due to Hurricane Gustav hitting the mainland. The last thing Republicans want is the image of people at the convention partying and laughing while Americans are dying in the South. Aside from which, there are likely to be many people who want to be with their families at a time of crisis.  

  3. In your dreams.

    Get real about this, huh?

  4. This is nature's way of destroying the GOP party!

  5. No way. Bush celebrated McCain's birthday on the tarmac in sunny Arizona as hurricane Katrina destroyed New Orleans.

    Another major hurricane hitting the USA is of little concern to Bush and McCain. Can't let a little weather hamper a party!

  6. They should, because it will be a fiasco for the reasons stated by you. However they have a contract so they would have to pay millions in cancellation penalties. Any way it will be a total was  of time since we already know who the candidates are

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