
Do you think the Golf Channel should suspend Kelly Tilghman for her comments about Tiger Woods?

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Maybe I should have said, "Do you think Golf Channel 'SHOULD HAVE' suspended".....some people don't know how to interpret a question....Jeesh....




  1. Lynch? Racist? Quick, someone call the Cowboys and Indians! We might as well say she offended them as well.  This is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. I've heard the comment and there is nothing racist about it. It's just someone stirring the pot, then the other morons jump on the band wagon.  "Ridiculous". That's the word that sums this up.

    Whoever started this fire, congrats. Nice job. Someone may lose their job for absolutely NO reason.

    Golf Channel, DO THE RIGHT THING! If you back your employee, you may lose that viewer that has nothing better to do than stir the pot for NO reason. Who cares?

    Tiger, support your "friend"!

  2. No, she should not  be suspended or reprimanded... if she truly hurt Tigers feeling then maybe she could apologize to him.. but I think he is smart enough to know she just said something of the top of her head.. not meaning anything at all by it.

    This is stupid and Sharpton is nothing but a  racist trouble maker.

  3. She shouldn't have been suspended.  And she wasn't supposed to until Al Sharpton made the whole thing a big deal and caused an uproar.

    An innocent mistake like that, although it was offending, does not deserve that kind of punishment or worse.  She was just emphasizing how unbeatable Tiger is, she just thought of the wrong thing at the wrong time, which is something pretty much all of us do at some point.  I mean, Tiger forgave her, why can't others?

  4. they already did for 2 weeks

  5. No she should not have beem suspended

  6. Management at The Golf Channel should suspend themselves.  Is a knee jerk reaction and pretty much against public opinion.

  7. I think the suspension is only due to the fact that she talked about Tiger, I'm sure if it was any other golfer nothing would have happened, now I realize what she said and i know tiger is black but she did not mean to be racist about it, its a figure of speech im sure we have all used at one time or another. An on air apology to the fans and to tiger would have been fine with me. As for Al Sharpton, someone please make him go away, im tired of him and his little boyfriend quanelle 10  stickin there nose where it doesnt belong. Get over it fellas people say whatever they want u cant be PC everywhere u get a life or get a job and stay the heck out of everyones business.

  8. Maybe commentators should stop saying a sports figures on fire.

  9. Absolutely! She should have been fired!

  10. No way in h**l should she be suspended. Even Tiger says it's not an issue and he took the comment in the way it was intended. If anyone wants to beat Tiger, the are going to have to do something to him off the links because they won't be able to do it playing him. There is nothing racist about it. PERIOD. Give the woman her job back and stop being so PC America. Only Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson would take that comment out of context and make it a racial slur.  They are two of, if not THE two biggtest racist in America.

    Since when was "lynching" only done to black people. Lynching has been done throughout history to every race, color, and creed. How dare Sharpton claim that they are the only race to be lynched and use it a a racial epitaph.

    Was Sharpton ever reprimanded or has he apologized for his anti-Jewish statements and his enticement of an anti-Jewish riot in Crown Heights, NY in 1991 in which a Jewish student was lynched by a black mob?

  11. no its becoming ridicolus you cant say anything anymore..what happened to freedom of not a racists person but al sharpton is making me close to becoming racists!!

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