
Do you think the Indian nuclear deal agreement should be between United Nations & India?

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The President of United States is asking us to sign the Indian Nuclear deal agreement with United States of America.

Do you think the Indian Nuclear deal agreement should be between United Nations Organisation & India?

What is your opinion?




  1. no deal is best.

  2. a very good joke.  does United Nations ( UNO ) have any nuclear capabiltieis or items which they can pass on to us or to any other country for that matter.

  3. Presumming that Indians are still one of the most peaceful, spiritual and mutable cultures that still exist, I would say yes incomparison to other cultures. Atleast they would review all angles and/or resources to try to resolve aggressions civily versus resorting to combative tactics.

  4. Nuclear Technology is with the countries which is having sufficiant uranium.The group of 45 countries called as nuclear supplies group is the contracting parties.UNOis not at all a party to the NSG.Especially USA is the leader of NSG.At this time the emergence of UNO as acontracting party is not worth mentioning.

    There is least possibility of getting a nuclear deal agreement between UNO  and INDIA OR any other nation .As long as USA is leading the NSG Third world countries like INDIA has no other option to get nuclear development with out the support of America .

    India now being an emerging super power can make agreement wth USA for our Nuclear technology development.

    We need not fear as there are other 45 countries in the agreement.W ithin in a short span of time we will be also self sufficiant in nuclear power also.

  5. Well what is UN a spinless swine with no gutss just a namesake organisation swindling all countries off money to fill pockets of its employees a bunch of fanatic feminist terrorists!! Did they have any say during the Iraq war??

    US- the oldest Democracy & India - the largest Democracy, i guess the tie up is good, would put India in a lead position in the global economy as well as in the fight against the global terrorism!!!

    There may be a bunch of Indians sticking to the old NPT and relating this to that - what they do not realise is that neither they nor their ancestors who ran the country attacked, India has always been defensive and never attacked so whats the big deal?

    Today India's biggest hurdle to growth is power (electricity)!! This deal will definitly sort a large part of it.

  6. Does the United Nations goes into any such kind of agreements with any nations !

  7. If your analogy from logical angle, then YES.

    If we are little practical, then there is no difference bwecause

    UN = USA ( in practical sence)


    UN = USA + Delta ( all others put together)

    Therefore signing with USA and UN does not make difference as on today.

    Since INDIA genuinely need this technology after 50 - 60 years; and at that point of time if someone else take over the position of USA ................... ( there are so many if, if, buts, buts impractical upto 200 years).

  8. Hai i got a question will this make any difference,i mean to ask by signing or not signing a nuclear deal agreement will we become any superpower or a country without poverty and whatever it be.  Why do people make such a fuss of these things when people are struggling in some parts of our country for next days meal.  Hai this is game of a few people and some people follow suit behind this.  I do not think that by signing or signing that it is going to make a difference.  Hai if we are Strong nobody can stop us marching forward.  One more thing as per the current scenario no country is honouring the paper works that they have signed or amended.  So i do not think we should make a fuss of this.

  9. What has United Nations to do with Nuclear deal ?UN is not involved in nuclear energy activities around the world.

    The current nuclear deal is between India and US, with IAEA being the regulating agency.Its a commercial deal between 2 countries,under IAEA's guidelines.The deal if signed, will ensure transfer of Nuclear technology to India and ensure fuel supply to India's Nuclear power plants.

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