
Do you think the Jonas brothers are the downfall to America??

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I love the Jonas brothers but my friend thinks they are a downfall to America....:( I love the Jonas brothers...and I'm totally obsessed with them but I would like your opinion.............and I'm 15.




  1. If they are the downfall of america, we can all be thankful haha. There are a lot worse things that could happen.

    In other words, no, they're cute. not great, but cute.

  2. Yes we are.  We're the downfall of the music industry.

  3. yes they are

    and btw you're never going to marry any of them

  4. the jonas brothers are not even remotely important enough to be the downfall of anything.  by this time next year they will be yesterday's news and you will be pulling someone else's pictures out of tiger beat to paste on your bedroom wall.

  5. No they're not!

  6. Yes.  A bunch of talentless virgins who direct their music at girls between the ages of 6-13 are said to be 'changing music as we know it.'  That is a disgrace to music and our country as a whole.  That is what the United States looks up to?  A couple of boys who can't seem to accept the fact that the age of the boy-band died several years ago?  We shouldn't be promoting people simply because they know a few chords on a guitar and know the English language well enough to put together some nonsensical lyrics that a four year old could replicate.

  7. NO THEY ARE NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I love the Jonas Brothers!

    I am totally with you, I am obssessed.

    And my friends think that I am stupid too, but me and you are so right!


    I'm 15 too..

    Me and Nick have the same birthday!

    September 16

  8. I think that they're just another teen band for girls to obsess over. Not the downfall to America though.  

  9. George Bush would be the downfall of America.  

  10. Yes, yes I do. You should be glad you have a smart friend.


  12. NO THEY ARE NOT!!!

  13. Yes, I do..Along with the rest of the Disney 'Clan'.  

  14. Seriously people are so dumb.  I don't care if they don't like their music, but honestly!  They are great role models.  Why would people think that raising our youth to admire three boys who actually believe in virtues is going to ruin our nation.  If anything it will make it stronger.  Anti-Jonas claims that Jonas Brothers fans are unintelligent, obsessive tweens, and then they go and make comments like, "Jonas Brothers are the downfall to America."  After all hasn't Anti-Jonas said no one will even remember the Jonas Brothers in a year.  If they are so meaningless and unimportant that they will be forgotten in a year, how can they lead an entire nation to it's downfall?  It just doesn't make sense.

  15. Tell your friend that people listen to different kinds of music

    And shouldn't care what people think

    I have plenty of friends who have TOTALLY different tastes in music

    And I don't look down on them

    Tell your friend she needs to back off.


  16. no they're not

  17. they're the BEST!!

  18. I love your friend, she's so right.

  19. they are. them and that Miley Cyrus person are to blame for global warming, and the shaky economy due to 5 year-olds buying their merchandise!

  20. Yes, they are the downfall of America. They make us look weak. You should be listening to real music like Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd.

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