
Do you think the Jonas brothers are to cocky ?

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Do you think the Jonas brothers are to cocky ?




  1. Yes, I hate them.

  2. umm no not really.  

  3. um..their okay..i only like one song from them..

  4. yes, they are way too cocky... especially for sounding like little girls when they sing. none of them are even slightly good looking

    am i missing something? because i don't understand the hype.

    and the beatles 1st sang the song from the target commercial, not them..

  5. hey they rock!

  6. no im there no. 1 fan

  7. no way the Joe Bros ROCK

  8. i don't think their cocky.

    i think they are just really nice, caring and sensitive.

    i think that's what you have mistaken

  9. No I do not..I think are very genuine down to earth guys.

  10. No...

  11. hahah

    are you kidding

    heck no!!!

  12. hehehe not cocky enough for ol MJ hehehe

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