
Do you think the Jonas brothers will marry celebrities or normal people?

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Do you think the Jonas brothers will marry celebrities or normal people? Do you know what age they got their purity rings?




  1. not sure about when they got their rings but idk i dont think i could picture joe with a normal person but nick and kevin i can

  2. Kevin will probably marry a normal person because it seems as though he misses being home and hanging out with family.Nick may marry a celeb and same with Joe.The two of them are more crazy about the fame than Kevin who wants to have a family and live a regular life.Nick may marry a normal person but he will still be in the music industry.Joe will probably marry some actress or model and they will live in the spotlight for life.

  3. nick- celebrity or normal

    kevin- normal

    joe- celebrity

  4. Niether..

    they will marry gorillas [look alikes]

  5. Normal People hopefully

    i wanna marry nick

    Ive support JB

    since they started.

  6. I'm hopping that nick jonas does not marry miley cyrus but other than that normal pepps.

  7. normal

  8. "celebrities or normal people?"

    Perfect! I'm glad to see that someone else realizes there is nothing normal about celebs.

    As for the Jonass Brothers, I predict they will each be married 6 times to various celebrity hacks.

  9. To bryanna - and by what standards do you count miley as a normal person? jk...or am I ?

  10. Celebrities!i think so.Because if they were really planning on marrying normal people,they shouldnt date celebrities now.

    What im trying to say is,if they really want to marry or date someone not famous,they should just done it now.instead of dating celebrities.

    I really dont think they would really date a fan!I think they are just saying that to make the fans feel better.

    And i dont blame them,i am a fan...and i feel much better when they tell fans they would really date them.Even though i know thats never gonna happen,its nice to dream of it sometimes.

  11. joe will marry me nick will marry my friend and kevin will marry my other friend but i wouldn'te normal but were not famous people but it think they got there purity rings when they first started singing because they new that the fame will get to ther head eventually even if they dont want it there but with the purity rings they know not to do anything stupid

  12. Probably normal PPL!!!

  13. celebrities.

    they dont want to date normal people!

  14. I just hope Nick doesn't marry Miley. If he does plan on that soon, I'm gonna petition!

  15. i dont know hopefully normal people though because i want to marry joe! lol  

  16. i think normal people

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