
Do you think the Left is out of touch with America?

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Do you think the Left is out of touch with America?




  1. Yes.  Many people who have lost better jobs and returned to work a lower paying jobs understand that the information age has caught a number of good workers who are just too old to retrain and reenter the work force.  Many of these people are highly intelligent and realize that they were caught a transition period in the U.S.   The liberal forces think that these people want a government "fix" for their problem.   They really are independent and will make a career in the new world of the information age.  To be kind of blunt: The Left thinks Detroit is going to be revived.   It has been in steady decline since the 1950s.  Politicians have come and gone.  Detroit continues to die.

  2. No.  

  3. Yes,I do.  And they need a good swift kick in those baggy,underwear showing pants of theirs.

  4. Oh, not at all...Most of us in America pay $400 for a haircut, and I hear a lot of my friends (when they aren't clinging to their Guns and God) worrying about the high price of Arugula.

    ASIDE to the two yutzes who claim the progressive agenda reflects "most" Americans:

    Why have you NEVER allowed a vote on abortion?  

    Why has EVERY vote on g*y Marriage (even in the People's Republic of California) been a defeat?

    Why won't your side allow a vote of the people on prayer in school, displaying the Ten Commandments, and a host of other issues.

    How dare you try to pretend you reflect the majority, and then do everything in your power to have decisions made by judges, rather than a vote of the people.  You are fascists, and you know it.  Just admit it.

  5. nancy pelosi would be the first one sacraficed from the life raft.

  6. 'left' and 'right' are both a joke. Both these corporate bought parties are destroying this country.

  7. No, they are very in touch with the, "gimme, gimme, gimme," people.

  8. I must admit I'm perplexed. I think the right is more disciplined in message repetition so that we THINK there are "more" of them than of liberals.

    But then when you examine the fact that the vast majority think abortion should remain legal, you begin to realize there can't possibly be that many "on the right". Then when you add to it that there are by far more registered Democrats than Republicans, you really can't deny that, by the numbers, there are simply MORE PEOPLE on the left than the right.

    So how can the left be out of touch with themselves?

    [In 2004, there were roughly as many people registered as Republicans as there were registered as Democrats. This year, there are about 1.5 million more Democrats than Republicans.]

  9. No need to worry as they  have cell phones.

  10. The Left worries about things like the economy, jobs, housing values, health care, education, etc.  Ordinary people obviously couldn't care less about such things.  

  11. Well since most Americans have shown to be in agreement with the progressive agenda I'd say h**l yes

  12. Yes

    and here's why......

    The Democratic party has made their followers believe they need some great politician to change their lives.

    If they would just quite whining about how difficult their lives are and just work hard they wouldn't need the messiah obama.

    also they are ok with killing babies

  13. The far left is.... but sad they took control of the party.... disenfranchised the middle......and you would think since we hear everyday hear America is on its last legs the candidate would have huge leads......

    Can see the nervousess as Obama is sliding because the Flash is only paper thin..

  14. No doubt, anyone who believes they can fix a problem that shouldn't exist with more taxes; Well, they just don't understand who will actually pay those taxes.

  15. I know how many homes I own and I would never spend $525.00 on a freakin' pair of loafers!  

  16. Very much so!

  17. Actually I think it is the right that has lost touch with reality.  I guess too much talk radio has influenced you thought process. I don't understand it at all.  

  18. No I do not

    However, I think anybody who would post as Pied Hussein Piper on Y/A is out of touch with America.

  19. Not at all.  In fact the American public is quite liberal. In survey after survey on the issues facing our country, the majority agrees with the liberal position.  And the surveys also find that the American public is far more liberal and forward-thinking that their representatives in Congress.

  20. the left is out. period.



  23. The Left is America, Republicans need to start caring about family values and the average person and not just the rich people.  

  24. Not at all. At least they speak to issues that many Americans want. People only get conservative when THEIR tax money is used for somebody else, not on stuff that pushes forth their own agendas.

  25. completely

  26. Clinton and Edwards like touching Americans as long as it isn't their wives.

  27. Yes, that and common sense/reality.

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