
Do you think the Manson woman, Susan Atkins, now 60 years old and dying from a brain tumor, should be released

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from prison to die at home with family? The courts said no. I say no also. Didn't she stab Sharon Tate like 50 times?




  1. No.

    But i can't seem to forget that she was high & crazed on some stupid drug while none of us are.

  2. Susan Atkins and the rest of the Manson gang should have been executed years ago.

    No, she should not be released. That's just common sense.

    I just hope she gets saved before she dies. She has got an awful lot to answer for.

    Best wishes. :o)

  3. I think watching her die would make a good reality show..There could be a camera on her 24 hours a day and a special channel to watch it on..Thank You.

  4. Personally- yes. The Quality that Separates the Man from the Brute- is Mercy. And where there is NO Mercy, there are NO Men.  :(

  5. Eff her.

    I wish I could have been on the parole board so I could have quoted her back to herself.

    On hearing Sharon Tate plead for the life of her unborn baby, Atkins said "Woman, I have no mercy for you."

  6. Let her die in prison alone like Sharon Tate.

  7. Let's show compassion and mercy.......send her a "Get Well" card.

  8. Hi Tom34,

      Yes she did stab Sharon Tate over 50 times while she beg for her life and her unborn child's life and then she cut the baby out of Sharon Tate's stomach. No way this Animal should ever be released dieing or not..

    Your Friend,


  9. Would GOD let her out to let her die in peace? If god can who the h**l we to force a person who has paid for her crimes in the last 30 years and is eligible for parole from dying at home at last.

  10. Joseph ... this is the same woman her drank this womans blood and spelled out PIG on the wall with blood ... when Sharon Tate asked for MERCY for her unborn child ... she scoffed at her (Atkins admittance) ....

    So why am I so inclined to forgive and forget ... how about the Tate family ... do we owe them anything?

    Sharon Atkins never has shown remorse ....

    The same shoud be her fate ....

  11. Most definitely, she should be released.

  12. She should not be released.  She should also not have gotten medical treatment, a privilege alot of hard-working Americans don't have.

  13. no way!

  14. Susan Atkins committed a horrendous crime.  The fact that she is terminally ill should not be a reason to release her from prison.  Consideration could be made to allow family visits but not release.  Would the state of California consider the release of Manson if he were terminal too?

  15. add this fact to see if there is a good case for the Death penalty...

    Atkins' medical treatment and paying for prison guards to watch over her has cost state taxpayers more than $1.4 million since March, according to the corrections department.

  16. No release for her, where was her compassion when she brutally murdered a pregnant woman just for fun? I have no compassion for her, she is paying for what she did and needs to for the rest of her life.

  17. Pft. No. It's hard to trust someone like that to just "go home and die peacefully".

    What's to stop her from more murders?

    She should have considered her own death before ruining the life of others.

    Simply have her family visit...

  18. LIFE IN PRISON.  That means she DIES there.  Of all the Manson "Family Members", Susan Atkins is the most vicious.  She's the one you wouldn't want to run into anywhere.  Let her family go and visit her in her cell.  I totally agree with the Court.  In fact, they should all die in prison.  How old is Manson, anyway?  Seems he should be about 80 now.  He can die soon, too.

  19. Yes....released by lethal injection

  20. I do not think she should be released. I am sorry, but she did not let Sharon Tate or her baby go...why should she get more consideration that she gave Tate!?!?!

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