
Do you think the Mc Canns understand just how hated they are by the ordinary joe in the street?

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They seem to have been living their media directed life for so long you wonder if they have lost touch with the real world. If they were ever in touch with it to begin with.




  1. The McCanns have been released as suspects and you don't like it . Too bad . Try persecuting some real child neglectors there are plenty to choose from even in England

    signed: an ordinary Joe in the street.

  2. What are you talking about? Innocent until proven guilty.

  3. i bet they have security paid for by the goverment , no way are they simply left alone

    i wonder how much tax i pay for that

    i bet they darent even go shopping for food , my sympathy lays with madeline not them

  4. You say the search was hindered by the McCanns, but everyone knows the Portugese police ****** up on that score (or at least I do)

    Believe what you like , but I'm an ordinary Josephine, and I don't hate the McCanns, and I know lots of others that don't either. (I'm not jealous of anyones wealth)

  5. They must know they are hated.

    My heart goes out to those poor twins - they'll never be able to lead a normal life.

  6. Like politicians, they know alright but would die before they admit it in public.  They must find it dark with their heads up their own Jackseys.

  7. I hope not. Our impressions of them are just formed from what we are fed by the media. If the media knew the full story, I'm sure the police would know it too, and act accordingly - whatever that meant.

    Ever heard the expression 'innocent 'til proven guilty'? It's one of the foundations of the British legal system, which thankfully is rather more evolved than people who jump to conclusions about things they know nothing about.

  8. yes,it.s called impotent.s rage.u little **** bring her back!

  9. Anyone who leaves their small children in a hotel room by themselves so they can go drinking deserves to be hated.

  10. No

    They may have an inkling that there is a community of sad, self-righteous people on line with nothing better to do than obsess and get off on the schadenfreude, but they probably realise that the ordinary Joe and Josephine are disinterested.

  11. I don't know one single person who hates them,except a few sad losers on here !!

  12. Well they have always loved their celebrity status and I can't see that changing in a hurry! But regardless they must know but only people who are capable of feelings care and the suspicion over them will never go..........

  13. low self esteem can make a person bitter

  14. next time i meet joe i'll ask him how he feels

    about it.

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