
Do you think the McCanns will ever confess?

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Do you think the McCanns will ever confess?




  1. Never, they are the coldest, brass necked creatures that I have ever seen. One day, they may be brought to account !

  2. nah doubt it

  3. i dont think they killed her, maybe being doctors they had access to drugs to help all the kids sleep and this helped the abductor but i really dont think it was the parents

  4. What is it that you want them to confess to?

  5. Maybe....

    I bet in 20 years we will be eating our dinner and it will pop up on the news that Mr. McCann cracked and confessed....

  6. to what?

  7. never

    cos theyre cowards

  8. Does that mean you think they are guilty?  If they are guilty my concerns would be for the other children in their care.

    We should not really judge people by what we read in the media. Who knows.

  9. Who are the McCanns?

    Confess to what?

    You need to give more information to get an answer.


  10. Confess to what? Would you confess to doing something you didn't do? NO, I didn't think so!! If you KNOW what the McCanns did, might I suggest you share it with the rest of us? They confessed to leaving their children alone, is there something else they should be confessing to? Please share it with the rest of the world Mr Kojak!!!!

  11. no

  12. Hopefully not since they are innocent of murder or kidnapping. Their only crime was leaving their small children alone or atleast, out of their sight in a strange country!

  13. Yeah........right after the Ramseys do....

  14. Will the sea ever dry up

  15. How some of you go on about these people is beyond me. All you seem to do (not all)  is accuse these people of hurting their Daughter, when you know nothing about it. You should get locked up for trying to damage their lives, when you know nothing. So why dont you get off their case and go to bed out of the way....Give it a rest and get your brains shook up, it may do them good.

  16. No people shouldn't confess to things they have not done ...which is what

  17. Confess to what?  They've already confessed they were naive to think she would be safe asleep at the resort.

  18. i dont think they will.

    is it not a crime to leave kids on there own without an adult

  19. what 2 killing her? no

  20. They have brazened it out all this time so no, I reckon not. They'd be stupid to, and that pair are definitely not stupid.

    Anyone who doesn't know after all this time who the McCanns are (different planet, is it?) has no business attempting to answer this question.

  21. To what?

    They would have cracked by now.

  22. Don't judge others until you've walked in their shoes!

  23. confess to what shows your an idiot people who think they killed theyre own daughter are such sad idiots leave them alone you sad lot

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