
Do you think the Morman scandal this summer hurt Romney?

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If McCain had chosen Romney then all we would have heard was about the government taking all those kids, about the Mormon faith and their past belief of multiple wives. It would have completely over shadowed the real things we need to be focused on. I think it would have costed McCain more in the long run.




  1. No. The fact that Romney belongs to the cult of mormonism is what is hurting Romney.

  2. yes it hurt him and he is a pudddd

  3. I don't think it necessarily hurt his chances for VP, but it would have hurt him had he ended up as the Republican nominee.  Some people, unfortunately, would never vote for a Mormon simply because of his religion.  However, informed voters know that there is a difference between the LDS and the FLDS.  It seems even some conservatives had trouble accepting Romney.  They seem to be very happy with Palin, though.

  4. Romney dropped out before the scandal. However yes it probably would have hurt him.

    Because he was out of the run when it happened no one even connected it to him and thus he was able to be considered for VP. If he had been in at the time no way would he even be considered.

  5. It had NOTHING to do with MORMONS.  

  6. No more than the old Democratic practice of lynching blacks and blowing up their churches hurt Obama when he picked Biden.

  7. I think Romney hurt Romney.  Conveniently flipping all of his social views just before the election was obviously a political ploy.  No one wants a man like that in office.

  8. I don't think so.  Romney was the stronger candidate and should have got the nod.  McCain just did the entire party in with this pick for VP.  I would have even liked to see Pawlenty or Huckabee on the ticket.  This guy is worse than the Dems when it comes to pandering.  I may consider listening to what Ron Paul has to say now.  All true Conservatives should be upset with this guy.

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