
Do you think the Muslim terrorists are gonna take over Europe?

by  |  earlier

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there's already alot of them and still growing




  1. i am a muslim but i aint no terrorist ....

    but not saying i dont hear about terrorists i do hear about them and i am against them but if you get to know  a real good muslim(which is rarley found these days)you will find out that you might be wrong with the picture you have about us...

    i would like to say something, how come you hate terrorists(i h8 them too)but not hate what is done in palastine when they entered palastine with no rights and took over it....and when entered iraq with no rights and took over it.

    when i say (they) you know who i come you hate terrorists and not hate the others.

    i hate them both but you should not judge all muslims by what are some of them doing, and i aint judging all americans when i hate the way their army entered iraq and ruind it.

  2. No...but the Muslim birthrate probably will...

  3. yes they are , convert now. Man go get an education, pls.

  4. No, for the simple reason that they do not have the infrastructure to do so, nor are they actually interested in "taking over" Europe.

    While some may talk about converting Europe into an Islamic state they aren't actually trying to do so. At most they are trying to unit local Muslim populations to form states within states, but they don't have the capabilities to do much more than turning a couple of blocks into majority Muslim neighborhoods.

    There aren't enough of them, they don't have the vision to do it, and they don't have the political wings required to do it.

  5. If something is not done about them, then you are correct. Time for another round of crusades. This time, stay and win.

  6. latest news-


  8. No Muslim terrorists wont take take over Europe, because the governments now realize how much of a threat they are, but there will always be terrorist attacks in Europe because of the increase in Muslim populations in most European countries, the terrorists come from within these populations and drift back into them after attacks. The large and rising Muslim population in France and the independence of Kosovo which surely will very soon become Europe's first Muslim state, are testimony to the increase of Islam in the European Union.

  9. yes. They are already taking over parts of Europe and establishing the religious footholds in France. It is the fastest growing religion in the world. It makes since that it would spread to neighboring continents/countries.

  10. you're confused...

    Muslims and Muslim terrorists are not the same thing...

    yes, there are lots of Muslims moving into Europe and they will continue to do so at a very fast rate...however, terrorists will never take over...they are but a radical few.

  11. No they wont.

  12. Eastern Europe is almost taken over as it is. However, the UK, france etc. are different strories. It'll be a while before terrorists actually INVADE them. However, terror attacks would be frequent if the east fell beyond control

  13. I think that they will never stop trying until we defeat them. As we will eventually.

  14. I believe that one day the true path will prevail, and with full conviction and satisfaction. There are already a lot of Europeans converting to Islam in Frane, UK, Germany and other parts.

    Terrorism is not part of Islam.

  15. There are 54 million (Fifty four millions) of Muslims are there in the Western EUROPE! It is all likely there are extremist elements and groups which can form terror group if let unchecked! The ECU has to take note of these developments and must ensure the peace and harmony between all communities!

  16. the lengths they go to just to keep an old shirt lifters way of life going just about every conflict or religeon in history is based around mans blatent attempt to control what a women does and even needs the promise of seven to commit attrocious acts all about one thing and one thing only

  17. argh they are gonna take over the world!

  18. No.They will be stopped of course

  19. The only way to deal with islamic terror is with terror.  Why is the Bali Victim's Father asking for Bombers to be sentenced to life imprisonment instead of death penalty?

    Doesn't he know that the best way to deal with islamic terrorists is to sentence them to death? By that I mean, injecting them first with swine blood, covering them up soiled panties before putting them before the firing squad.

    After that, cremate them together with pig carcasses.


    *** Sentence them to their religious deaths before putting them physically out. That way, they will get to their islamic allah totally defiled, no more a martyr.

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