
Do you think the Olympic committee should demand dental records from the Chinese female gymnasts ?

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I noticed that one of the female Chinese Olympic gymnasts is missing one of her teeth, it is quite clearly because she lost a baby tooth. This happens to be the same girl that looks like a twelve year old. This is a gross abuse of the rules for the Olympics and dental records should be the gold standard in the future when age is disputed in these events. So how about it answers? Should the Olympic council demand competitors dental records for age disputes, or even better......have the competitors teeth examined to determine age?




  1. I think you should stop being brainwashed by your media and your fellow fans and enjoy the Olympic Games.  I'm tired of everyone being jealous and falling trap to the American media.  Having lived here all of my life, I know it's omnipresent, and you can tell how no articles on the Yahoo Olympic site say anything positive about China.

  2. Why not? They're so adamant about checking their blood and storing it for years.  I think it wouldn't be convenient for the cheaters to do that. I'm not saying they weren't good because they were but they weren't fair.

  3. I don't think it matters.I don't think they could possibly turn in the correct records.When it comes to telling the truth in a matter of possibly embarrassing themselves in front of the world the chinese are incapable of telling the truth.Look at that slaughter they had a few years ago in the square,I think they said like 25 died or something.

  4. yeah i noticed that girl with her missing baby tooth.

    it makes me sick that china would cheat at the olympics!!  they should not get away with this c**p it just isn't right.

  5. You made an excellent point and I completely agree with you. I think it is a shame to want the gold medal so bad that you are willing to break rules to get it. The pressure is so high, especially on the Chinese, to win, I think it is detrimental to their emotional well-being to force them to compete at such a young age. They don't have the emotional maturity to deal with the pressure and disappointments.

  6. They need to get rid of the age rule.  There's no way to enforce it.  And besides, if a gymnast is good enough to compete at the Olympic level, why should it matter how old she is?  Most female gymnasts reach their peak around age 14-15.  All this rule does is force the best gymnasts to beat up their bodies and put their lives on hold for another four years if they want to fulfill their Olympic dream.  Gymnasts isn't easy when you're pushing 20.  Why do you think so many of the older girls are injured?  

    That doesn't make it right to cheat.  But if a rule unenforceable, it's silly to have it.  

  7. Dude!! My family and I were saying the same thing! The girls look like they're 10-12 years old. Then one of them smiled and that topped it off with a missing front tooth!

    I bet though most of those girls dont have any dental records there must be something else though...

  8. I lost my last baby tooth at 15.

    Actually I would have lost it later but it had to be pulled in order for me to get my braces.

    Teeth prove nothing.

    And if a passport can be falsified, don't you think dental records could be adjusted accordingly as well.

  9. They might be old enough even though one of them is missing a baby tooth. The sport of gymnastics with its rigorous training and restricted diet delays physical development in young women. That's why there are a lot of gymnasts who look like they could be about 10 years old even though they actually are in their late teens. Many of them still have little girl bodies.

  10. These girls definitely are under the age limit to compete.  The Chinese government has a rule that everyone has to be "essential" to the success of the country. Children are sent away to "sports factories" by their parents in order to learn diving, swimming, gymnastics, tennis and other sports. If not, they are sent to military schools to join the Red People's Army.

    At the "sports factories", they live the sport they are "forced" to excel at and nothing else matters until they are released back to their parents, which is only when they "retire" from that sport to become a baby breeding machine after marriage.

    Americans, on the other hand, have lives, can freely go to the mall or visit their friends, can say bad things about the government without fear of reprisals, do not get punished if they make mistakes while performing, don't eat dogs, can grow up doing whatever they want to do, visit the gym whenever they want, can leave the gym to go home to their parents, do not get kidnapped and brought to "reprogramming" centers, are more creative in gymnastics and don't need to cheat by having a communist country's government strong arm the judges by intentionally having them delay results while other athletes are awaiting their start time and falsifying birth documents

  11. According to Wikipedia, by age 12 a person should have lost all their deciduous teeth.  

    On the other hand, I still had 3 baby teeth until I was in my late 30's. The adult teeth were impacted and never pushed the baby teeth out. My dentist recommended leaving the baby teeth in to hold the space open until I could afford braces.  The baby teeth were badly worn because they aren't built to last that long. They needed to be extracted and the adult teeth brought in with oral surgery and braces.

    Nevertheless, if this girl has 1 or more unerupted adult teeth and plenty of space for them to come in, it's a smoking gun.  I'm sure a good dentist can tell.  Yes, they should definitely do a dental exam.

    Apparently, the Chinese Tooth Fairy leaves Olympic Gold Medals under the pillow.

  12. YES I SAW IT TOO!!! I think they should check the records because this is cheating, and if they can send they're underage ppl why cant anyone else???  All this c**p about Asians being short, that's just an excuse, the only reason that they didn't check into it more is because the Chinese government its CHEATING!!  what is the coincidence that all of them look like they belong in middle school or elementary?? thats just stupid saying that "Asians are short" PEOPLE OF ALL RACES CAN BE SHORT!!!! not just the Chinese.  

  13. I  have  no  problem  if  a  younger  can keep up and  compete  with  the  older  as  long  as  they are  not  being  forced  to  do  so.  She  may of  hit  that  tooth in a gym. I  don't  know  enough  about  dental  growth to determine if  this is  a  correct  age proof  of  all nationalities.  

  14. i don't think it matters how they do it, but i absolutely agree that the International Gymnastics Federation as well as the IOC really need to do something to enforce their age rules.  

  15. absolutely!!  We are just supposed to take China's word that they are of age to compete? Hmm...let me think...why would they have any reason to lie??!!  There are a few of them that look about 12 or 13.....

  16. just let it go. they already confirmed they're 16 with passports

  17. i know they all looked 12 and i would no my daughter is a 12 year old gymnast and she doesn't even look that young and the chinese don't need to be holding the olympics Beijing is horribly dirty.

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