
Do you think the Olympic games are a waste of time?

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What will be achieved by spending the of more than $70,000,000,000 and the associated thousands of tons of greenhouse gases generated. It will give a couple of hundred athletes a sense of satisfaction and a few million couch potatoes something else to watch on the idiot box, I suppose (says he, as he sits in front of his computer).




  1. Seems you've answered your own question.

  2. I dont particularly think they are a waste of time.

    But they spend wayyyyyyyyy to much money

  3. The Olympics foster a sort of back door diplomacy. After all it was an American ping pong player and a Chinese ping pong player that got America and China talking again in the 70's. And that was before Nixon went over there.  

  4. I love the Olympics personally.

    A perfect ideal for the world to look to.

    Peace and (mostly) friendly competition.

    I remember reading somewhere that without heroes/heroines, entertainment and something to strive for - society collapses.

    Do you think thats true? :)

  5. absolutely not.  it is tradition.

  6. No way, they give complaining crybaby whiny foreigners an excuse to vent their frustrations and use people like the U.S. as their scapegoats.

  7. No because once every 2 years the world comes together for friendly competition where we're not worried about debts or politics. We're in it for the athletics.

  8. nope. It's pure, worldwide (costly) fun.

  9. They are a waste of time and money. They don't prove anything except that one person has trained better than someone else.  

  10. it's not about the coach potatoes!  Its about the pure talent, heart, blood, sweat and tears that these fine people have put into their sport to show the world what they can do.  

    Obviously, when these people come together, the world wants to see it, which is why it airs on TV.  The fact that lazy people go watch it is out of our control, but you lost the message:  it's really all about the athletes and their extreme efforts and talents.

  11. no. i think it's a way for the whole world to come together to join in a safe competition. sure it may cost a lot, but it's a great thing, and i always look forward to watching every time it happens.

  12. If you wanna penny pinch for the biggest event in the world why even be on the computer? that's wasting electricity even if you tell me you're typing from your friends house your wasting his/her electricity.

    So no, it is not a waste of time

    Overall you probably don't comprehend the scale that is the Olympics. It's the biggest event.

    Any event could be the biggest event. A big firework that the entire world can see in the sky at the same time. But thankfully it's the Olympics where it is not only a massive meeting of the nations of the world, but all the sports that  suggest dominance of one over the other are taking place during this meeting. It's patriotism on the shoulders of worldwide ultimate competition. That's why it's so important, that's why it's once every 4 years, that's why it's so great.

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  14. No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The waste of time is you asking this question.  Shouldn't you be hugging tree or something?

  15. Actually, no because that's when the whole world comes together. Ready to compete and never forgetting sportmanship!

  16. no i dont think thats uncool i think its pretty smart AND hot of you haha.  

  17. You mean a waste of money on China's part. are you talking about

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