
Do you think the Olympic officials should seriously investigate possible cheating on China's part?

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There is serious concern that China falsified the birth dates on the passports of 2-4 of the female Chinese gymnasts--that they were under age 16, against the rules of the Olympics. It's certainly hard to believe that the smallest Chinese girl on the team was 16 (she looked more like age 10).

Do you think this matter should be seriously investigated and that the Chinese girls should lose their medals if it is found that they were under age?




  1. I think they shoud investigate of course, but it should not be taken too seriously.

    The main offence is doping. Which I supported a zero tolerence towards it..  

  2. If one of the girls fell and she still took the gold medal from our country and it was right before the world's course they cheat.  

  3. it should be investigated. no one is allowed to cheat and win.

    but for now, lets not go by looks. asians look much younger compared to the folks from africa and west. if you pick a 23yr old female from US and went to japan or china, they would guess her age around 30+

  4. It was announced 3 days ago that the IOC has asked the FIG to investigate these age discrepancies. Thing is, they have to show definitive proof that China falsified ages and though there are internet reports and newspaper reports that state that they are younger, Chinese documents and their family's documents say otherwise. I highly doubt that the FIG will find proof without a doubt that they are underage as long as their official Chinese documents say they're not.

  5. Why are you guys making this such a huge deal??? The IOC already looked into this. I know, I know, this might've been really important to the US since the chinese gymnastics won a couple of golds that US deserved, but still.

  6. At this point, I don't think it matters. Everyone knows China cheated, so they all made themselves look bad anyway. You'd have to be really dense by now, not to realize that they broke the rules, proof or no proof.

  7. It's already being investigated by the IOC (International Olympic Committee).

  8. Nah..they need to investigate getting you a brain. C'mon...this is the 83rd time this c**p has been brought up. If China's athletes were too young then it is something that only China can address. Look at the Soviet bloc teams from 1968 and later. You cannot tell me that anything was done about the professionals on their teams (while the rest of the world used amateurs) or the widespread steroid abuse that was rampant on those teams. Did you hear of any repercussions? No...because there were none.


  9. Of course it should be investigated, but even the IOC admits, it might be hard to prove.

  10. The IOC already investigated into this case; they found no proof, but they may still be investigating into it further.

    If the Chinese gymnasts were indeed underage, they would be stripped of their team gold medal, and He Kexin would be stripped of her gold medal at the uneven bars.

    Read the article below.

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